Chapter 7

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Arthur carried on holding you fast, whilst Dutch and Bill started interrogating the trembling Kieran.

You kept screaming at Kieran, then your anger turned towards Arthur.

"Let me go, you son of a bitch," you screamed struggling against his grip.

When that didn't work you focussed your anger back on Kieran.

"You murdering little bastard, when I get hold of ya, I'm gonna gut you like the pig that you are," you screamed.

Nothing that Arthur said, could calm you down. You had a red mist in front of you, and you were enraged.

Dutch sighed, and walked away from Kieran, and stood in front of you.

"Blair?" he said, rolling his eyes.

"I'm gonna rip your balls off and make you eat em you evil bastard," you screamed.

"Blair!," Dutch shouted.

When he got no response, he grabbed your face with his hands.

"Blair! Look at me. Now!" he growled.

Your eyes snapped to his face, which was only a few inches from yours.

You gasped, your heart pounding. You found yourself struggling for breath as the red mist slowly dissipated.

"They... They killed... killed my daddy," you gasped.

"Blair, honey, just breath. Calm down. They're gonna pay, but we need Kieran for the information." Dutch soothed.

You closed your eyes, and stopped struggling. Your breath coming in short, rapid gasps. Slowly your breathing became more even.

"Good," Dutch praised, "that's better, now Arthur is gonna take you over there, so you can sit down."

Dutch looked at Arthur, "keep an eye on her, until we've finished with the boy."

Dutch released his grip on your face. As he did, Arthur turned you away, so you couldn't look at Kieran.

"Are you calm enough, for me to let you go?" Arthur whispered, in your ear.

You nodded. You felt Arthur release his grip, but as soon as he did, you felt his hand go to the back of your neck. The grip wasn't hard, but strong enough so you couldn't turn your head to look behind you.

"Now just relax," Arthur soothed, as he guided you towards the table.

You sat down, and took a deep breath. You felt Arthur remove his hand from the back of your neck.

You rested your elbows on the table, and buried your face in your hands.

"Mary-Beth!" Arthur called across to one of the tents. You lifted your head to see a young woman come over.

"Mary-Beth, can you go and get Blair a cup of water, Please," he asked.

Mary-Beth nodded, and walked over the water butt.

After a few minutes she came back, and sat opposite you at the table, sliding the cup of water across.

"Here you are," she offered, "I don't think we've met yet, I'm Mary-Beth."

You took the cup, "Thank you," you sighed.

Mary-Beth smiled, "you seem quite nice, not at all like Sadie..."

She didn't finish the sentence as Arthur shushed her.

You took a sip of the water, and half smiled, "don't worry Arthur, I'm more than aware that Sadie has probably told everyone I'm an awful person."

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