Chapter 20

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You sat there, staring into the fire lost in your thoughts. You were troubled. You had only just evaded the bounty hunters in Rhodes. How did they even know where you were. It just seemed like too much of a coincidence. Then it dawned on you. Josiah. Could he really be trusted. No sign of any bounty hunters until he turned up. Maybe he had decided that he wanted the money. You didn't think for one minute, that Dutch had agreed to this. If he had you'd now be in the hands of the bounty hunters, not sitting here eating fish around an open fire.

You looked at Dutch. "Don't you think it's a bit of a coincidence that the bounty hunters turned up, just when we were in Rhodes?" you asked.

Dutch frowned, "what are you saying, Blair?"

You shrugged, "I just think its a bit odd is all. Not many people new we would be there!"

Dutch stared at you for a minute, saying nothing.

"Let's get back," he said, as he stood up, and stamped out the fire.

You walked over to The Count, rubbing his nose, and stroking his neck.

Dutch walked over, once the fire was out. "I think he likes you," he chuckled, before lifting you into the saddle.

He unhitched his horse, and mounted up behind you. Once again his arm wrapped around you tightly, and he headed the count south again, heading towards the camp and Clemens Point.

Dutch kept an eye out for more bounty hunters, but there weren't any. You hadn't mentioned your suspicions regarding Josiah. Mainly because Josiah seemed to be Dutch's friend. You didn't want to upset him with your suspicions, especially if they turned out to be unfounded.

As you rode into camp, you saw Bill on guard duty.

"Thank fuck you're back," he yelled at Dutch, "Hosea was just about to send out a search party!"

Dutch rolled his eyes, "ran into a spot of bother."

He quickly jumped off The Count, and hitched him, before lifting you down.

"Take those extra fish to Mr Pearson will you please, Blair? I have to talk to Hosea!"

You nodded, and grabbed the fish out of the saddle bag. As you headed towards Pearson's wagon, you glanced across and saw Josiah, sitting with Hosea. You weren't quite sure why, but you started to feel uneasy.

"here Mr Pearson. We had to make a quick stop, we caught too much to eat by ourselves," you said as you put the fish on the table.

Pearson chuckled, "all contributions gratefully accepted, no matter how small."

You smiled, and headed over to where Dutch was now sitting with Hosea and Josiah.

As you headed towards where the three men sat, they all looked at you. None of them were smiling, but you weren't either. You stood near the table, and glared at Josiah.

"Blair, how are you?" Josiah asked, forcing a smile.

"Surprised to see me, Mr Trelawny?" you hissed.

Josiah frowned, "is something the matter, Blair?"

"You tell me?" you hissed.

Hosea and Dutch stared at you, like you had suddenly lost your mind, until realisation hit Dutch.

"The bounty hunters in Rhodes!" he exclaimed.

Josiah nodded, "You think I had something to do with that?" he asked, looking at you.

You glared at him, "well its a bit strange that no sooner do you find out about the bounty, and that Dutch is taking me into Rhodes, you disappear and then a load of bounty hunters appear!" you exclaimed.

Josiah sighed, "nothing could be further from the truth, in fact quite the opposite."

You folded your arms, and stared at him.

Dutch stood up and put his arm around you. "Blair, you better sit down."

You stiffened, "why?"

Josiah looked at you and smiled, "I've managed to get your grandfather to stop looking for you, but we have to act fast." he explained.

You frowned, "Act fast? And do what, exactly?" you asked.

Dutch gently guided you towards a seat. "You better sit down, and we'll explain."

You sat down at the table, glancing between the three men. Something didn't feel right. If Josiah had miraculously got your grandfather to back off, you wanted to know why.

Josiah put his hand into his inside pocket and pulled out of piece of paper, which he put on the table.

"Your grandfather, is first and foremost a business man," Josiah began. "Not a particularly pleasant man, but when it comes to business...well pleasant people don't usually get very far."

Josiah, scratched the back of his neck.

"He was quite prepared to marry you off to Mr Cornwall, for some shares in his oil business. 25,000 dollars, was small price to pay when you will be receiving 150,000 dollars on your 18th birthday. Once you're married, that would have gone to Mr Cornwall, as he would have control over your affairs as your husband."

You frowned, "would have?"

Josiah nodded, "your grandfather thinks he has found a better deal. The oil business is risky at best. Goldmines on the other hand, less so."

"I don't understand, why would my grandfather suddenly not want me to be married?"

Josiah chuckled, "I never said that, but he wants you to marry the owner of the goldmine! Which in effect, doesn't exist, which is why we have to move fast!"

You shook your head, "I still don't get where your coming from."

Josiah tapped the documents on the table.

"Your grandfather has agreed that you should marry the owner of the goldmine, in exchange for a share in said goldmine. Its a scam of course, there is no goldmine which is why we have to move fast. We have to get you wed, and the marriage consummated, so that your grandfather can't get it annulled. We need to do this before he realises the goldmine doesn't exist!"

You stood up, glaring at Josiah, "I'm not marrying anyone!" you exclaimed.

Dutch looked at you and smiled, "Yes you are Blair! You're marrying me, I'm the owner of the goldmine!"

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