Princess Warrior

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Fuck I'm so tired

But all this stress got me wired

A little peace is all I desire

But I'm stuck running through the fire

Bare foot against the burning coal

It's so hot it almost feels cold

I'm getting old but this shit still isn't getting better

Letter after letter I can't write this happiness into existence

There's just too much distance between the pen and heaven

I can only pretend that these words serve a higher purpose

Where the worth is in your willingness to hear them

I know it's easy to fear them

But remember that sticks and stones may break your bones but words will never hurt you

They'll never desert you because you are irreplaceable


You are what you make of it all

You'll fall

Fuck it you'll crawl until you can stand on your own two feet again

And you'll do it again until you can hold yourself up for good


You should be trying to understand yourself

Because to know yourself is to know your wealth no matter what you've dealt with

Sit in your sorrow today and tomorrow until you see sunny days so bright from all the rays where there's a will there is a way no matter what they say

You are my everything and there's nothing you or your alter ego can do to alter how I feel about you

She might steal you for a second but the second you come back I lack the ability to be mad

That's facts

You are exactly who you are supposed to be

The universe doesn't make mistakes

Where the mistake is made is in making your greatness your fault

It's not your fault that you are different

What makes you different makes you special

Especially unique

Don't feel defeat

Just feel your heart beat and know that you are alive

You have survived and you will survive until the day you die

So please keep trying

I know you feel like you're dying but the demons are lying

Defy the odds

Remain odd and know that I love you a whole hell of a lot

The Age Of Aquarius: Awakening My Emotions Through PoetryWhere stories live. Discover now