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"Hey. You don't mind if I join, do you? I feel like you're obligated to be nice to me, at least for the rest of the day." I looked up when I heard a British accent and saw a girl I've never seen before standing slightly behind me and across from Clay. He was sitting on the same side with Tyler, and I don't know where Justin is, but I know he'll be meeting us.

"Because you're new?" Clay asked.

"Or because on my tour, you assaulted a guy." She said, and both Tyler and I looked at my brother.

"Excuse me, you did what?" I asked him, and Clay brushed off both mine and Tyler's looks and turned his gaze back to the new girl.

"Ah. . sure, have a seat." Clay said, and she smiled as she put her bag down, her tray down and then took a seat, right next to me of course. She looked at me and Tyler with a bright smile on her face.

"Hi. Ani." She introduced herself.

"Tyler." He said.

"Imogen." I said.

"It's a pleasure. So, tell me about Clay. He internalizes, doesn't he?" Ani asked, and I started to laugh because she just met him, so how could she possibly know that about him already?

"Oh. I mean, I don't. .-" I cut Tyler off and looked at her.

". .-You literally just met him. How would you know that?" Imogen asked. Ani only laughed a little, but didn't answer, and I raised an eyebrow. "Am I talking to myself?" I asked.

"Oh. . I. .-" But she was cut off by Justin walking up to the table and sitting on my other side.

". .-Hey." He said.

"Justin, Ani. Ani, Justin. . and right on time, because Imogen was about to. ." Clay trailed off and I rolled my eyes as Justin laughed and looked at me.

"Are you giving the new girl a hard time?" He asked, and I rolled my eyes again.

"Shut up, Justin." I said.

"Pleasure. You know, even for a sour puss, you have loads of friends." Ani said to Clay, a smile on her face. Clay shook his head.

"Tyler is my friend. Imogen is my twin, and Justin lives with us and our family." Clay clarified, and Ani looked between the two of us and raised an eyebrow.

"You guys are twins?" She asked.

"What, you didn't think we were dating, did you?" I asked her.

"Their family is adopting me." Justin said.

"Interesting. Clay believes siblings should take care of each other." Ani said, and Clay sighed.

"I need. . ketchup." Clay said, standing up.

"Can you get me some water while you're up?" I asked, and Clay rolled his eyes.

"I guess." He said before walking away and once he did. Justin looked over at Ani. Yes, he was looking across me to look at the new girl, so I only slightly leaned back, since there was nothing to rest my back against except air.

"So, he might seem like an uptight asshole at first, maybe even for a while, but. . he's a really good guy, so just give him some time. He's worth it." Justin said, and then I heard him whisper. "And I know she's sitting right here, but Imogen isn't as stone-cold as she seems. . she's just protective." He said, and I rolled my eyes before pushing his head back to not be across my body anymore.

Beyond the Reasons || JUSTIN FOLEYWhere stories live. Discover now