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[A/N: Trigger warning guys, we all know what happens at Jess' party, and I'm going to try and not be too detailed about it, but just know that this is what this scene is]

A drunk Imogen Jensen and Justin Foley stumbled into the guest bedroom that Imogen had been staying in during her stay with the Davis', and the brunette was in a fit of giggles as her boyfriend pressed his lips against hers and the two of them started to back up against the bed, and Imogen went down first laughing, as Justin hovered over her, taking his jacket off.

Justin then got back on top of his girlfriend, as the two of them restarted their heated makeout session. Hannah Baker, who was also in that guest bedroom for a very different reason, didn't have the chance to get out before the two of them came stumbling in.

So she hid.

"You're so hot. . I can't keep my eyes off of you!" Justin said to her, as she laid underneath him. The storm started to pick back up outside, and you could see the lightning strike from the bedroom window, and Imogen laughed, but she was drunk, she was almost completely out of it.

"Or your hands." The brunette slurred as Justin kissed her neck. "Hang on please." She said after a moment. Imogen had started to feel lightheaded, and Justin immediately stopped kissing her neck and looked down at his girlfriend, who he could tell was out of it. Justin knew he was drunk, but he wasn't as drunk as Imogen was.

"Are you okay?" He asked her.

"Yeah, I just. .-" Justin cut in.

". .-You need some water?" He asked, and she did. Imogen needed water and sleep. She needed to be done with the party at hand, because she had drunk herself into a state where she didn't even know what was going on.

"I just need to close my eyes for a second." Imogen said, and Justin laughed a little, which caused her to start laughing too.

"Well come on. . I mean, you don't wanna mess around for a little while?" Justin asked, and this time Imogen didn't respond, because she was serious when she said she needed to close her eyes. She needed a little bit of rest.

When Justin noticed that Imogen was unresponsive, he knew nothing was going to happen between them, at least not now, and he definitely wasn't going to take advantage of her, because that's not the person that he is. He gave her a soft kiss on the forehead before he stood up from on top of her.

And he left the room.

Then when Justin was gone, Hannah tried to make her way to the door so she could leave, but then she heard Bryce Walker's voice, which made her stop. "There you are. We're doing beer pong out back." Bryce said to Justin, and they did their little handshake they were both right outside of the door.

Hannah knew she was trapped.

"Come on, dude. . I'm fine." Justin said, shaking his head.

"What?" Bryce asked in disbelief.

"I'm good." Justin said.

"You got someone in there?" Bryce asked, pointing to the door of the room Justin just left. The room Hannah was trapped in, and the room that Imogen was passed out in.

"I'm just sticking around for Imogen, she's so wasted." Justin said.

"Oh yeah, I bet you had some fun with her, didn't you? Let me see." Bryce asked, and he tried to make a move for the door, but Justin moved his hand away.

Beyond the Reasons || JUSTIN FOLEYWhere stories live. Discover now