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"We have said too many goodbyes, grieved too long. Liberty High has endured enough traumas and tragedy, and the loss of another classmate senior year... is more than children should be asked to bear, but Liberty is not alone. Too many high schools today are forced to reckon with tragedy. Too many of our young people are not making it to graduation, and we are doing too little to make a change. And we must ask not only how we can make a change, but what we have done to shape their world this way. How are we responsible? What burdens are we placing on our young people? What tools are we keeping from them? How did we get here... again?"


"Clay, Imogen, are you guys sure you don't want to come with us to the facility today? It might be fun." My mom asked us as we were all seated at the table eating breakfast together. Justin was coming home from rehab today, and as excited as I was to see him, I still felt sick to my stomach that we pinned Bryce's murder on Monty when it was me, and I know it was me. Zach said we'll get through this together, but he spends every day just getting drunk and not giving a fuck about anything.

Clay is having nightmares again, Justin is in rehab. I only have Jessica. I honestly don't know what I would do without her, she's been my rock for the longest time. We've been hanging out with Ani a lot more, and although I'm still not happy how she used sleeping with Bryce to manipulate Jessica and me to tell her about what happened that night.

She has proven to be a pretty good friend, and she makes Clay happy so, that's enough for me.

"When is anything called a facility ever fun?" Clay asked which made our dad laugh.

"Justin might like to see both of you." Our dad said as I took a sip of my coffee.

"We'll see him at home... at the party." Clay said as he continued to play with his eggs. I was picking at my food too. Lately, I haven't been that hungry.

"Guys, um... your first-semester grades came in yesterday." Our mom announced which made Clay look up at her.

"How do you have our grades?" He asked.

"The school email... as always." She said and Clay took a deep breath as he closed his eyes.

"Oh... Right... I didn't... I didn't do too well on my finals." Clay said and neither did I because we took finals after I accidentally killed Bryce, I wasn't completely focused. But now we're about to go back to school, Christmas is coming up pretty soon and there's just so much to think about. Winter break was almost over and we would be having to go back to school soon.

I really don't want to.

"Yeah... neither did I..." I said and our dad nodded his head.

"Which is understandable." He said.

"We're going to talk to the school." Our mom said and Clay's eyes widened.

"No!" He exclaimed.

"We're going to talk to them about some allowances for what the two of you have been through, but... Clay... Imogen, you two need to be thinking about college. Have either of you finished your apps?" She asked and Clay looked down at the table while I drank more of my coffee.

"Not yet, Mom..." I said and she sighed.

"We just want you both to feel like you can come to us for anything, but if you don't feel like you can come to us for anything, then I think we need to start thinking about starting up again with Dr. Ellman and Dr. Sharpe." Our mom said. Dr. Ellman was Clay's therapist, and Dr. Sharpe was mine.

Beyond the Reasons || JUSTIN FOLEYWhere stories live. Discover now