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"Well, well, well, look who decided to show up."

Imogen Jensen found her boyfriend Justin Foley in the crowd at Jessica's house. The party was technically Jessica's, but she said she was giving Imogen credit for it too since Imogen had been living with her all summer, and together they made up the plan to throw the party in the first place. Hannah at first thought Imogen was talking to her, but when the brunette leaned in and kissed her boyfriend.

Hannah walked away.

"You know, fashionably late doesn't fly when your girlfriend is the co-host of this party." She said to him, and Justin laughed as he moved his arms around her.

"Well maybe I can make it up to you." Justin said, leaning in to kiss the girl's neck, which caused a delighted laugh to come from her.

"Maybe. . if you're lucky." Imogen said with a smile on her face.

"I had to stop somewhere on my way over because I realized what today was." Justin said, and Imogen was trying to think of what Justin meant, and she laughed.

"Um. . Saturday? The day Jessica's parents went to D.C. for some Air Force ceremony?" She asked, and Justin shook his head. "The day of the first fucking party of junior year!" She exclaimed, hoping that was the right answer, and the crowd gave a cheer, and Justin shook his head once again.

"No, it's officially been 5 months since we've been going out." Justin said, holding up seven roses for his girlfriend and Imogen smiled. [A/N: In the show for Justin and Jess it was actually 2 months, which meant they got together at the beginning of summer, and since I had Imogen and Justin get together at the dance, and I think the dance was during basketball szn since it's "winter formal" I put it at like January, and HS usually starts in August so that's where the 5 months came from, if you were wondering]

"Oh my gosh, you're such a girl. . it's my job to remember this stuff and get mad at you for forgetting." She said, and they were both laughing.

"Should we commemorate the occasion?" Justin asked, and Imogen quickly nodded.

"Yes." She said. Justin held up his phone for a selfie and before he took the picture, he kissed Imogen on her cheek, as she held up the roses, and then he looked at the picture and smiled. "Nice. . need a refill?" He asked, looking at her empty cup. The brunette shook her head.

"No, I'm good for now, but knock yourself out. Bryce picked up a ton of stuff." Imogen said, and then Justin leaned in and gave his girlfriend another kiss before he walked off, and when he walked off, Hannah Baker approached.

"Hey." She said.

"Hey! Hannah, oh my gosh, Clay said you weren't coming. I'm glad you did." Imogen said to her with a smile on her face, and even though Hannah didn't say, it meant a lot to her to hear Imogen say that, she knew their friendship fell through the cracks.

And it was the only one she wished didn't.

Although she was surprised that Imogen was being so nice to her, because another incident had happened about a month ago, that she was surprised about, but Imogen seemed to be acting like nothing happened, so Hannah decided she was going to do the same.

"So, you and Justin?" Hannah asked.

"Yeah, me and Justin. You knew that. Why?" Imogen asked her.

"I mean exactly why, and like how?" Hannah asked, and Imogen sighed.

"Hannah, Justin and I have known each other for years and we've been through a lot. If you want specifics, ever since the dance. And like I said, I'm sure you already knew that." She said.

Beyond the Reasons || JUSTIN FOLEYWhere stories live. Discover now