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"We could starve in here..." Luke said. We were all still sitting in the cabin because we didn't know if the person who was messing with us was still out there or not. I was sitting on the bed, and Diego was sitting in front of me. I had my arms wrapped through his, my head on his shoulder and my leg draped over his. I was comfortable.

"Dude, you're not gonna starve anytime soon," Justin said to him.

"Hey! I have very low body fat, Foley. This is muscle." Luke snapped back at him.

"I have a few granola camp cookies," Charlie said while holding the bag up. Charlie is a phenomenal baker. I always tell him that if he ends up not wanting to play football in college that he should seriously consider culinary school because I know he would excel at it.

Then someone started banging on the door which put all of us at alert. We all stood up from where we were and the boys grabbed some makeshift weapons they could use in case we were about to get attacked. When the door slammed open, Jessica screamed, but I let my guard down when I could see that it was Zach.

"What the fuck, Zach!" I shouted at him.

"This thing's getting all kinds of fucked up," Zach said.

"We're out of here," Luke said as he started to walk towards the door, Beecher and Diego were following behind him.

"Are you fucking kidding me? Stop them!" I exclaimed.

"We're all getting the fuck out of here," Justin said as he started to walk to the door, but Zach stopped him. Since they left, it was just me, Jess, Justin, Charlie, and Zach.

"No..." Zach said and then he closed the door. "We gotta talk."

"So, Winston and Alex?" Charlie asked. Zach explained to us that Alex told him, Winston is actually from Hillcrest and he was with Monty the night that Bryce died, so if he comes forward, our whole story falls apart. He also told us that Winston started getting close to Alex so Alex finding out the truth really hurt him.

"And Alex is like, heartbroken. And now we're fucked. Oh, I'm sorry, more fucked." Zach said.

"Does Winston know that Imogen did it? I mean, Alex wouldn't give her up, would he?" Charlie asked. Before anyone else could answer, there was another bang on the door, which put us all on red alert and I immediately grabbed Charlie. He and Justin were sitting on the bench of the table and I was sitting on the table over them, so Charlie laid his hands over my legs as I grabbed his shoulder.

Then Zach walked to the door. "Zach, wait, don't!" I exclaimed. It was already too late, he had already opened the door, and then he opened it wider so we could see who was out there.

It was Tony.

"Oh, for fuck's sake," Jessica said while letting out a deep breath. "Can we leave the damn door open now?" Jessica asked.

"Diego pointed me this way, so what the fuck is going on?" Tony asked.

"Winston Williams can alibi Monty," Zach said.

"Seriously? The Hillcrest kid?" Tony asked.

"Yeah... He knows that Monty didn't kill Bryce because he was with him that night. Oh, and on top of that, Clay and Ani have known that for months." Zach said and that's what really made me mad. They knew who Winston was before he even came to Liberty and they didn't tell any of us.

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