Chapter 4

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Ashley's POV: 

"Good morning, Matty." I greeted as he walked in the kitchen. Nolan sat beside me, it's where he usually sits so it doesn't matter.

"Matty!" My mom shrieked, literally shrieked. She ran over to Matt and squeezed the oxygen out of him. I laughed at her and Matt mouthed to me, 'Help me' and I just stuck my tongue out. I heard Nolan laugh beside me but I didn't pay him any mind. 

"Oh my gosh, you're so grown now. You know I still remember when you guys were little. I would  leave you and you brother at their house whenever I had to go to school and you guys would just have the best time ever." Mom squealed, she just acts like a total teenager sometimes. 

"Babe, calm down. Let the kid go, he needs to breathe." Dad told Mom placing a hand on her shoulder. She pulled away and gave a sheepish smile.

"Oh right sorry, I just miss Matt that's all." She said, Dad laughed and gave Matt a pat on his back.  

"I missed you too, Mrs Matthews." He said, Mom glared at him and he just chuckled. Mom doesn't like being called Mrs Matthews because she thinks it makes her sound old. Ugh, adults. 

"Matt" Mom said in a warning tone, Matt raised his hands in surrender and sat down beside me.

"Being called Mrs Matthews won't make you sound old, babe. You don't even look like you're 28, you look no older than 18." Dad said and kissed Mom's cheek, even at this age they're still so freaking cute.

"I see you guys are still as cute and sweet as ever." Matt said, Mom's cheeks tinted a light pink because of Dad's compliment. Ashton finally came down with Nathan and Dale giggling behind him with a scowl on his face.

"What's up with you?" Nolan asked him, Ashton glared at the two kids and sat down beside Nolan resting his chin on the palm of his hands.

"Those two devils decided to pour a tub of freezing water all over me to wake me up." He said, we all laughed at him and I saw Nathan and Dale on the floor laughing uncontrollably. 

"Great job, guys." I said, Ashton shot me a glare and I just mouthed 'Love you'. 

"You are the worst twin sister ever." He groaned, I rolled my eyes and turned my attention on Matt.

 "When do you think your car would get here?" I asked him

"They said that it might take a couple days." He answered, I nodded my head and grabbed my phone. When I opened it, I saw a couple of texts from my best friend, Hazel. 

Hazey Tatey: Biatch, where you at? 

Hazey Tatey: I'm at school already and you're still not hereeee. 

Hazey Tatey: Gurrrlll, where youuuu?? 

Ashley: Bissshh, you wait. I'm still at home eating breakfast with everyone. Have patienceeee! 

She replied almost instantly as if she was literally staring at her phone and waiting for my reply. 

Hazey Tatey: Ugh, you could have told me! I love your Dad's cooking.

Ashley: Go ahead and get our schedules and then wait for me by my locker. 

Ashley: Also can you get the schedule for Matthew Ferguson, thanks! 

Hazey Tatey: Alright, fine. See ya later, biatch! 

Ashley: See yaaaa! 

I laughed at my best friend's weird antics and shut my phone off. Alright, let me tell you a little something about my best friend, Hazel Tate. I met her in Sophomore year, she was a new student and she was being bullied by one of Nolan's dogs and so I stepped up and told him off. Ever since that moment, we stood by each other. Now, Hazel isn't that same innocent girl that they picked on, now she's a really goofy and the bluntest girl you can ever meet. She's not afraid of speaking her mind. 

"Here you go, Ash. Eat up." Dad said and handed me a plate.

*After breakfast*

"Thanks for breakfast, Dad. I really have to go now, Hazel's blowing up my phone." I said and kissed his cheek, I went over to Mom and gave her a hug. 

"Alright, we'll see you guys later. Have a great first day!" Mom exclaimed, Matt and I walked out while Ashton and Nolan were taking their 'precious' time. 

"Ashy, can you please make it quick?" I asked my oh so kind twin brother. He rolled his eyes and he and Nolan walked out after saying their goodbyes to Mom and Dad. Nathan and Dale don't start school until next week, lucky little squirts. 

We all got in Ashton and I's car and we drove to school in silence. Matt and I were in the backseat making small conversations here and there. Once we got to school, I immediately dragged Matt with me and went to my locker. When my locker came into view, I saw Hazel sitting down in front of it with her earbuds in. I smiled and ran up to her dragging Matt behind me. I walked up to Hazel and tapped her shoulder. She looked up at me and squealed.

"Ashleyyyy!!!" She squealed and wrapped her arms around me. I laughed and wrapped my arms around her.

"Hey Hazey!" I exclaimed, we pulled away and her gaze landed on Matt.

"Is this Matt?" She asked, I nodded my head and she wrapped her arms around him. If you haven't noticed yet, she's a hugger. I heard Matt chuckle and wrapped his arms around her. She pulled away from him and gave him a smile.

"I'm Hazel!" She said

"Ah so you're the Hazel that Ashley keeps talking about." Matt said, Hazel turned to me and I gave her a smile.

"Awww you talk about me, how sweet." She said, I laughed and rolled my eyes at her.

"Yes, that would be me. And you're the famous Matt Ferguson, she also talks about you a lot." She said

"Enough with the introduction, can I see the schedules?" I asked, she nodded her head and pulled them out of her bag.

"I didn't look at mine yet, I want to look at them together. Oh yeah and here's your locker number." She said giving Matt a little piece of paper. She handed me my schedule and Matt his. 

"Okay, ready?" I asked her, she nodded her head and we both looked at it. I looked at mine before looking at her's.

"So we got PE, Social Studies, English, and Chemistry with each other. Alright, not too bad." I said, she nodded her head in agreement and I went over to Matt to look at his.

"Alright, we have PE, English, Biology, and Gym." I said, he nodded his head and told us that he was going to find his locker.

"Alright, we'll see you in PE." I said, he nodded his head and walked away from us. 

"You didn't tell me that Matt was that cute." Hazel said once Matt was out of view. I rolled my eyes and laughed at her.

"I didn't think it was important, Hazel." I said, she let out a gasp and slapped my shoulder.

"Uh duh it is! When your best friend is that cute, you have to tell me!" She exclaimed

"Jeez Hazel, why the hell are you so violent?" I asked her rubbing my shoulder, dang this girl can hit.

"Ugh look, he's at it again." She said nodding her head to the right. I looked over there and saw that Nolan was making out with a girl. Poor girl.

"I feel bad for the girl, she's gonna get crushed. I could tell she's new, I haven't seen her around before." I said, Hazel nodded her head in agreement with me and we both walked away from where we were and passed by him.

"Douche" I coughed as I passed by him, he pulled away from the girl and looked at me.

"You jealous, babe?" He smirked

"You wish, you cock sucker." I said, I rolled my eyes and walked away with Hazel.

"I still can't believe that your brother is best friends with that jerk." Hazel said, I sighed and agreed with her.

"Me too, Hazel, Me too." I said and looked back at him to see him making out with the girl again.


Alright, so this chapter's a bit boring. It was nothing too special, but I hope you guys like it anyway. Love ya! 

Word count: 1394

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