Chapter 22

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Ashley's POV: 

"Ashton" I said, he opened the door wider and looked at me.

"Why didn't you tell me, Ash?" He asked in a quiet voice, tears were streaming down his face. Mom stood up and looked at the both of us.

"I'll leave you two alone." She said and walked out the door. Ashton and I stayed in silence for a while until he spoke up again.

"Why didn't you tell me?" He asked, I looked at him and opened my mouth to speak but nothing came out.

"Ashley, you could've told me. Now I feel like a bad brother, you know that I would do anything for your happiness, even if it means dating my best friend." He said, I stood up and wrapped my arms around him.

"I'm sorry for not telling you, Ashy. I was just really scared of what might happen." I said in his chest, he wrapped his arms around me and placed his chin on my head.

"Ash, I'm sorry if you think that I'm keeping you away from love. You should have told me, I'm so sorry." He said, I felt his heart beating rising and I pulled away from him. I wiped his tears and gave him a smile.

"Ashton, I didn't tell you because I didn't want you to risk your friendship with Nolan because of me. I love you both very much, I don't know what it'd be like without either one of you. You and Nolan are the best of friends and I wouldn't want to break that." I said, he frowned and cupped both my cheeks with both his hands.

"You, my dear sister, are an idiot." He said and put me in a headlock and ruffled my hair. I squealed and slapped his arms off.

"Gosh, why do you always have to do that?" I asked and punched him in the arm as he released me from the headlock.

"Because you're an idiot, if you love Nolan then go for it. I wouldn't want to get in the way of two people's love for each other. If you both love each other, then why the hell not?" He said with a smile, I gawked at my twin brother and he just gave me a knowing look.

"Besides, I kinda noticed the way you both looked at each other in the hospital, but I didn't think much of it. Now I know though." He said, I gave him a sheepish grin and wrapped my arms around him again.

"Thanks Ashy, but I don't think he'd want to be with me anymore. I pushed him away." I said, he rubbed circles on my back and squeezed me tight.

"Why did you do that though? I thought you love him." He said, I pulled away from him and sat on my bed, he sat beside me and held my hand.

"What's wrong? You can tell me." He said, I sighed and leaned my head on his shoulder.

"I just don't want to get hurt, Ashton. Nolan's a player, a lot of girls are after him and he just might want me for one thing." I said, he wrapped his arm around my shoulder and squeezed my shoulder.

"How about just give him a chance? If he blows it, I'll go beat him up." He said, I let out a laugh and looked at up my brother.

"Thanks, Ashy. You're the best, I didn't really expect you to be supportive over this. I thought you didn't like the idea of Nolan and I dating." I said, he chuckled and kissed the side of my head.

"I thought I would be too, but then I heard you talking to Mom and heard how badly you wanted to work it out with Nolan, it made me realise that I've been such a dick of a brother. I shouldn't  keep you from loving who you love." He said, I smiled and kissed his cheek.

"You can never be a 'dick of a brother', you're the best brother there is. I love you, Ashy." I said, he returned the smile and held me close.

"Please give Nolan a chance, he's a great guy when you set aside his player ways." He said, I sighed and nodded my head. I heard a knock on the door and Mom popped her head in.

"Your cousins are here." She smiled, Ashton and I looked at each other before bolting up and out of my room. We rushed down the stairs and was met by our cousins.

"Ashley! Ashton!" I heard Morgan and Shaun's voice say as they both tackled us to the ground followed by Shane's laughter. I pulled Shaun off of me and Ashton pulled Morgan off of him. I hugged Shaun properly and I heard our parents' laughter. 

"Aunt Alyssa, Uncle Nate!" I said and pulled them in a hug.

"How are you doing, Ash? I haven't seen you in forever." Aunt Alyssa said, I laughed and pulled away from them.

"How you doing, kid?" Uncle Nate asked as he ruffled my hair, what is up with people ruffling my hair? Ugh. 

"I'm fine, Uncle Nate. School started and I'm already sick of it." I said with a roll of my eyes. Aunt Alyssa laughed and rubbed my arm.

"I remember my first day of Senior year, it wasn't so good, but I made it out alive." She said, I laughed and I felt Shaun tug on my shirt and I looked down at him to see him gesturing for me to pick him up. I picked him up and rested him on my hip. He's still pretty small so it's all good. 

"Hey, how are you doing?" I asked him, he smiled and started playing with my hair. It's something he loved to do. 

"I'm fine, Mommy and Daddy got me a new toy, but she didn't allow me to bring it." He pouted, I looked at Aunt Alyssa and she just shrugged.

"We got him a car, like those cars that you can ride, it was hard to bring." She said, Uncle Nate wrapped his arm around her and chuckled.

(A/N: Do you guys know what I'm talking about? I don't know how to explain it. It's one of those cars that you can ride around, I had one growing up and I absolutely loved it! I hope you guys know what I'm talking about, hahahaha.) 

"Yeah, he kept whining at us to bring it over here, but it just wouldn't fit in the car. We got Morgan one too, but she was alright with not bringing it." He said, I laughed and nodded my head.

"That's alright, you can play with Nathan's old one. It's just in the garage, he barely uses it anymore because he says he's a 'big boy' now." I said, everyone laughed and I saw Nathan pouting and crossing his arms over his chest.

"Meanie" He said and stuck his tongue out, and I just chuckled. Mom was about to say something, but then the front door opened.

"Hey, I saw someone's car in the driveway and-" He started but then he was tackled by Morgan.

"Nolan! I've missed you so much." She exclaimed, I frowned and felt Shaun jump out of my arms and he went over to Nolan and hugged his leg. 

Oh boy


Sooooooo? How was it? Sorry for the super late update, I didn't know what to write again, the usual. Anyways! I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter, I completely forgot that the cousins were supposed to be coming over, but I suddenly remembered and there you go! 

Word count: 1278

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