~First Encounters~

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Bakugou Katsuki, an angry blonde spiky-haired boy was walking through an alley, along with the two boys he deemed as extras trailing behind him as they took their normal route to their arcade hangout.

"Fucking assholes... thinking they're better than me... like hell they are," Katsuki muttered under his breath.

Class that day, they had begun to talk about high school careers and where they would turn up, but when he announced he was trying out for Yueii, nothing but dirty side comments filled the room, and they all doubted him... or that was what he thought it was.

Sparks popped in his hand as he remembered.

The ash blond absent-mindedly kicked a bottle full of dirt into a trash can in front of him. "Fuck them... I'll get into Yueii...  just they wait and see," Katsuki growled.

Just a moment later, he heard girly shrieks behind him as he turned to see the two no named boys looking at something with faces blank with fear.

"The hell are you screaming about?" The blond grumbled.

"Well well well," the ash blond froze himself, "a meat suit and a good quirk! This will only hurt a bit!" Ground out a voice behind the blond, and before he could react his body was engulfed in green, slimy foul smelling goo.




Next thing to happen, he's submerged in the villain, suffocating while against his will he attacks town. Everything surrounding the city around him caught in flames from his quirk. Screaming from citizens, shouting heroes... that's all he could hear.


'What a familiar laugh,' He thought.

A booming voice began to say, "Fear not citizens! For I am-" but the large blond male was cut off by a small clinking sound of metal on the concrete street in front of him. Katsuki was just able to get a glance at a glowing figure on the street. On their back were big pearly white wings, while in their hand was a trident of some sort.

'A girl?' The blond thought.

"Hello... I kind of just heard some commotion going on and decided to come check it out- hey!" They exclaimed, dodging a green tentacle hit from the villain. "You could have at least heard what my side of the story was!" They whined, spinning the trident in their hand nonchalantly.

"What's a small puny girl like you going to do?!" The villain yelled, amused and pissed at the 'little nobody's' actions.

She only smiled, before stabbing the ground with her trident, "This." And just like that her innocent smile turned into a wicked grin.

You could probably hear the rumbling sound from miles away as everyone turned their attention to the sludge villain. Only to see a massive wave heading right towards them, and completely on top of the villain itself.

Katsuki felt a warmth on his wrist before he realized he could suddenly breathe again, he was flown away by the greenet who brought him towards the heroes. Just before the wave hit.

"Take him for a second," The greenet stated, speaking towards the heroes, Katsuki coughed, "also! I'm not a girl!" The greenet yelled, just as the villain was hit by the force of the water wave. She spun the weapon in her hand and just in a moment, the villain was compacted into the size of a baseball, a small dome of water surrounding the body itself. "I didn't think it would work that well..." The greenet mumbled.

Katsuki's eyes had widened as a thought settled in his mind.

"You're a boy?!" The blond yelled, almost rhetorically. The greenet turned to face the ruby-eyed blond as he put the sludge in a water bottle given to him by a bystander [at some point], and tossed it towards one of the policemen.

"Are you alright? You were in there for quite some time, here just lay down and relax for a moment," The greenet spoke gently, jogging over to the blond, who sat on the ground. The greenet's wings folded as his trident began to glow before disappearing.

"Why the fuck would I lay down?!" The blond yelled, getting pissed that he was "bossing" him around, Katsuki felt a weight on his chest and looked down to see the greenet's hand and a determined look on his face. Everyone who was still there and still shocked looked towards Katsuki to see a vine, flowers sprouting on it as it began surrounding his upper body.

"Young miss- man, what are you doing-" The hero got cut off by the boy.

"Healing properties, his lungs might be damaged after being suffocated for longer than 1 minute, it's better than having to go to a hospital right?" He answered and looked towards Katsuki, that's when he could finally see his face close up and he tried his hardest not to but ended up face a rosy color. The boy had bright green venom doe eyes, freckles covered his cheeks.

"U-Uh y-yeah, I guess so, anyways who the fuck are you?" Katsuki questioned, looking away after the boy took his hand off his chest.

"Izuku Midoriya, nice to meet you!" The greenet replied smiling.


"Young," The hero paused, clearing his throat, "man, what you did was reckless and dangerous, you could have gotten seriously hurt," Death Arms said to the greenet who sat criss cross across from the blond.

"Hold on..." Izuku paused, looking up which gained the camera's attention and of the heroes in front of him, "Who are you?" Izuku finished with a cute confused look... everyone sweat dropped. "Also who's Haha! over there?" He asked again pointing towards All-Might.

"The fuck you mean, 'Who's Haha! Over there'?" Katsuki seethed, baring his teeth.

"I really... don't know who he is, I don't know any of you guys to be honest...am I supposed to? Oh and what was up with that creature?" The greenet questioned.

"The one who is scolding you is Death Arms, that one you pointed to right there, is All-Might, he's basically the most powerful quirk-holding being on earth, and that creature... was a villain," the blond explained, letting out a sigh.

"I'm pretty sure I could beat him.....eh maybe father can... " Izuku said before beginning to mutter continuously, Katsuki stared wide-eyed at him.

"You can beat the no. 1 hero?!" Katsuki yelled, making Izuku flinch.

"Well- um yeah- Wait a minute...! You!" Izuku pointed towards Katsuki, "What's your name?" Izuku asked.

"That's not the damn subject right now!" Katsuki yelled, this kid was pushing Katsuki's buttons. A moment later, All-Might cleared his throat, interrupting their conversation.

"Young Midoriya, let us spar," All-Might suggested.

"What do you mean spar?! How did we even get to this subject?! Anyways, where's the damn sludge villain!?" Katsuki shouted, making sure to be louder than normal so he was heard above the commotion.

"Oh... It's with the police, they left a few seconds ago. Though now, let me just... do something..." Izuku said, just before putting both hands on the ground. Vines began sprouting out of it and next thing you know everything was put back together, as if reversed.

"What the-" Katsuki started, getting cut off [again, might he add, and of course he did].

"So anyways! I need to go find someplace, I don't really remember the directions so can one of you guys help me?" he asked, completely unaware of the cameras pointed right at him.

"You- what- Ugh! Spar with All-Might first and then maybe I'll help you, fucking nerd," Katsuki mumbled the last part, Izuku smiled....that fucking smile.

"Ok, thanks! Now, which one... Oh, you! Come on, let's go!" Izuku said jumping up, standing in the middle of the street.

"Ha ha ha! Alright, I'll try to hold back!" All-Might said before walking in front of him. At this point, the citizens were just sitting there watching what would happen using Mt. Lady as shade.

"Don't hold back on me just because I'm a child, All-Might," Izuku huffed.

'I am so confused about what the fuck is happening right now,' Was what went through Katsuki's head. 

Edit 3/10/2021: I have added a few more paragraphs and fixed spelling mistakes as well as dialogue mistakes. If you read over again you might notice some differences. 

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