~Fucking Idiots~

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It wasn't like Bakugo was paranoid, but he knows that while walking to the train station people stared at them like they did something weird. And the greenette was either extremely dense or he was playing dumb because he didn't seem to notice that everyone's eyes on his body. There were people outside as well on their way to school, including some guys and girls from school. And Bakugo knew he was going to get questioned as soon as he got to school.

And he was completely pissed at the thought, you could almost see the steam radiating from him.

"If I may ask, what's your quirk? I couldn't figure it out after yesterday, does it have something to do with fire?" The greenette broke the calming silence between them.

"My quirk is Explosion. My sweat is similar to nitroglyrcerin which let's me creat explosions from my palms." Katsuki answered, keeping his eyes in front of him.

"What's yours? I've seen the water and lightning part but... what's your quirk called?" He asked, turning around to be met with a missing person. "What the fuck?" He murmured, looking around him to see a fluff of green curls.

Surprisingly he could see him considering he was crowned by a group of highschool guys, his ruby-eyes traveled down as he saw a dark cat coming his way, "Hey bud... what's happening?" He asked Mochi, who only mewed as a reply.

She led the blonde through the crowd until he could finally see the viridian eyes of Izuku. One of the highschoolers had their arm around the greenette, who didn't seem to mind the touch.

He doesn't know why but that stirred something inside if him.

As Izuku looked around him, he met Bakugo's eyes and his face lit up into a smile. And Katsuki had to resist the urge to cover his eyes as he seemed to just looked at the sun. Too bad he didn't bring a pair of sunglasses.

"Come on already, we're gonna be fucking late," Katsuki said grabbing his wrist and walking away from the now mad highschoolers.

"But they wanted to be friends! I wanna make more friends in this town." The greenette pouted.

His face heated up a little, "Just meet them after school, but I'm going with you" Katsuki argued. 


The people at school were even worse than the one's on the street. The greenette didn't even realize all the stares he was getting, he just talked happily beside him. Katsuki didn't know anyone that clueless.

"You're in my class, right? Just stay near me and I'll take you to get the principals- WHY THE FUCK DOES HE KEEP DISAPPEARING?!" He yelled in frustration, looking around frantically.

He was about to walk away and looked for the boy, before a few boys flew through the wall of an empty classroom.

Why in the hell-

That was definetly Midoriya. 


~With Izuku~

The greenette was walking near Bakugo until he was pulled to the side, and in front of him were a couple of boys, faces he didn't see before.

"Heya Cutie, what's with you and Bakugo?" One of them asked him, throwing an arm around his neck.

Izuku gave a confused look before answering, "Why should it matter if I'm with him? He's my friend..." with those words a smile creeped knto his face.

But it soon left as he shivered and flinched, feeling a warmth making it's way up and down his wings, he turned abruptly to see someone else touching one of the golden feathers. "Please do not touch that! They're sensitve... Ouch!" He yelped, someone harshly gripped his wrists, pulling them above his head.

"Hmmmm? Friends with the bastard? Then you must be even worse than him for him to respect you." The black-haired one growled.

"Let me go!" Izuku snarled, squirming around in their grasp, but that only seemed to anger them so he stopped, running over a ppan in his head.

He just had to wait unti their grip loosened... five... four... three... two... one...

There it was.

Twisting his wrists, he grabbed onto the others and turned his arms to get out of the hold. The other pounced at him, but reacting as fast as he could, he turned to kick them both in the stomach, with little strength sending him into the shelf at back of the classroom, and throwing the one that grabbed him at the classroom door. Another one came forward.

Pushing himself up, he managed to get onto the shoulders of the other, bending backwards until his hands reached the floor to throw him toppling over and hitting the one at the door.

Another four walked in, they seemed to have been guarding the door. He was right where th classroom window was.

"You fucking bastard!" One yelled, and they all activated their quirks.

"I didn't want to have to do this... but..." He hit his wrists together, a small clink sound coming from his wristbands.

is one movement sent a shockwave towards tbe four, sending them through the walls of the classroom. Putting both of his hands on the ground, vines wrapped around the seven injured students, healing them and capturing.

Standing up, he was met with surprised eyes of other students and some teachers, looking around as he dusted his hands off, he met the familiar firey eyes of Bakugo.

"Kacchan! I don't know why but they seem to dislike you." He explained, hugging the blushing blonde.

Bakugo's blush elicted a few looks from the other third years.

"Yougn Miss-" The teacher stopped when noticing a glare from the carmine-eyed boy.

"He isn't a girl..." He seethed, growling.

The teacher cleared his throat, "Young man, may you please enlighten me on why you blew a hole through this classroom" he finished.

Izuku looked up, "It was 4 against 1...I could have taken them out one by one but that would have cause more damage to the classroom...I can fix it if you want" He finished with a big smile on his face. You could see that he was sincerely sorry about the damage.

"U-uh go ahead...?" The teacher allowed.

In the end, everything was back to normal, the 7 boys were suspended for 2 days but Izuku got off easy because he was using self-defense, plus he fixed months worth of damage.

"Fucking Idiots...Who fights someone who can beat All-Might?" Katsuki mumbled to himself on the way to class with Midoriya next to him, you could see people either drooling at his muscles or surprised about how he's wearing a pretty revealing top.

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