~Trouble In Hosu~

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Imma go completely off script.
Also, no need to tell me how suckish this chapter is, it is also short, now I know you all would probably want a longer chapter for the last chapter...
But my brain... could not think of shit.

"Goodbye Everyone!" Izuku waved as he waled away from the heroes, with a new suit in the case, along with an extra two inches of height on his body, he was heading home.

New contacts on his phone, as well as new friends.

The greenette grinned widely as he watched the figures dissapear from view as they drove away, back to the airport. Opening his phone, he looked st the last picture they all took together, Izuku was the one taking the photo as he held it up, everyone else behind him. Just that morning, he met their friend Vision.

He wasn't much of a conversation person, but it was cool meeting him.

"Are you going to be okay in the airport alone?" Happy asked him as he helped him out of the car.

"Yes. I'll be fine. Goodbye Happy! Tell everyone I said thank you again!" Izuku smiled widely as the male got back in the car with his window rolled down.

"Goodbye Izuku. I bet Peter above all will miss you a lot, but I'll miss you as well. The others will be no different." Happy told him.

Izuku smiled, before doing one more final wave, and he was off...

'Japan... get ready for your soon-to-be Hero!' Was what went through his mind as he walked into the building.


His arrival was hasty, he needed to get back home first, to greet his family again after being gone for so long, it was six'o'clock at night and he needed to reassure everyone that he was okay.

The train wasn't as packed as normal, and they were moving pretty fast, maybe after dropping his stuff off back home- or he could just teleport them there.

He just really wanted to see Katsuki!

So he followed his mind telling him to teleport it back home, and so now all he had to do was- a huge bird like creature had burst through the wall of the train, effectively scaring the passengers on the train as well as Izuku.

But his surprise ended quite quickly as he immediately jumped into action,side-kicking the Nomu out of the train, looking around him, he noticed none of the civilians had gotten hurt. "Everyone stay calm! The heroes will be here soon!" He called out, some of the adults nodded while holding their children close to their chests.

Stretching out his wings a bit, he let his body fall out of the train, some of them screamed in surprise, but it died down as they saw his figure begin to fly around the city.

He had completely missed the odd look of a hero that was on the train with him, and that exact hero helped the other up that the boy had yet to notice injured.

Getting to the city that had been attacked, he looked around at all the pro heroes fighting off the Nomu's. "Shigaraki..." Izuku mumbled, as he landed, right in the middle of a fight.

"Hey kid! Get out of here, it isn't safe!" Exclaimed the female hero on the scene.

"I can help you! I just need your permission!" Izuku called back.

Her eyebrows furrowed, before she nodded, it was faint but Izuku managed to catch it.

Kneeling down onto the ground, he slammed his hands onto the concrete, and everything around him freezed in a green hue, all except the civilians and heroes. They all looked around at the paused Nomu's.

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