~A Hero's Intern [Part 1]~

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The greenette let out a sigh, he figured out just a bit of the new quirks he was given. "Izuku? Are you alright?" Katsuki came out to their backyard.

"Yeah. I just... I need to get a hold of my new quirks. If I don't I might accidentally hurt someone." Midoriya replied.

"Well, you still got the glow from yesterday. Do you know if it has anything to do with your new quirks?" Bakugo asked him.

"No. I don't think so." Izuku muttered.

"Do you know what quirks you were given?" The blonde pressed on.

"My intelligence has boosted greatly, and farsight are two that I can use at my wil already. I can also control the seasons. From what I know and from what I was told, my elemental quirks have been heightened to a great degree... I can change the weather drastically with just a wave of my hand now. My strength, endurance, stamina have inhanced greatly." He started off.

"What else?" Bakugo leaned against a tree.

"I can now seperate salt water from fresh water when using my water manipulation. I can reverse objects, see into what will happen in the future on a certain object. My light manipulation quirk... I can now basically grab light and hold it in my palms. Rememory, Timeline, Space, Time-Tampering, and Shine, but I know there are some unamed powers that I wasn't warned about, like the ones I said before." He finished.

"Well, look wise, you look like a glowing child. Like now, your face just looks really young, and that doesn't help with your height at all shorty." Bakugo ruffled his hair.

"Oh yeah.." Izuku used origination to make a mirror appear in his hand. "I look like an elementary student while I'm in Highschool!" He pouted, looking up at Bakugo with puppy dog eyes.

"You want to go get hot chocolate and some sweets?" Bakugo told him, crouching down to his height.

"Mhmm." Izuku nodded his head.

"Go get dressed, alright? Plus, I think your just a fun-sized angel." The blonde gave him a side smile.

"Kacchannn!!" Izuku exclaimed, holding back a smile when he softly hit the boy.

"Wow, nice to know you have complete control over your strength quirk." Bakugo stuck his tongue out at him to which Izuku did the same back. "C'mon. We'll relax today, but tommorow we have school, so just turn your phone off and just lay back." Bakugo gave a side smile to the greenette.

"But what if one of our friends text or call us?" Izuku asked.

"We'll deal with them tommorow." He concluded.

"Alright!" He agreed, a huge grin plastered onto his starry cheeks.


His eyes cracked open at the blaring sound of their alarm. Ruby orbs glared drowsily at the neon red numbers, before he moved his arm away from the smaller waist, to hit the button on the clock.

Izuku's soft snores were the only sound in the room as he lay beside the warmer body.

"Izuku." He whispered quietly, shaking the greenette's shoulder slighty.

The boy stirred, but he didn't wake up.

Katsuki smiled gently down at the boy next to him, curled up to his side, before placing a kiss on his head and getting out of bed to reset the alarm. He decided to take a shower instead of waking his angel up, so he made his way to the bathroom.

He rejuvenated in the warmth of the steamy sprinkle as it ran down his body. Casting a shiny glare on his pale form. His ruby eyes were sharp and often held a hidden warning as to not get too close to him, or his lover, but now they seemed soft as his muscles relaxed throughout his bulky frame.

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