The Mermaid

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Deep blue Sea...

Deep into the ocean was the water world...

Sea bed...

Varieties of marine plants were decorating her sea bed...

Beautiful flowers were smiling on some of the flowering plants...

Sea grass were found here & there..

Varieties of underwater creatures were moving here & there..

Fishes in various color, sizes were moving in groups...

Tortoise was found swimming...

Sea horses, Cat fishes like different varieties of creatures were also found..

Jelly fish of different colors were moving beautifully..

Beautiful underwater world...

Different world from land living in this world..

Different varieties of creatures...

Different characteristics...

Few in large groups while few only countable...

Dolphin like harmless large creatures while shark like harmful creatures too...

Deep inside such beautiful ocean...

The beautiful ...

Most beautiful...

With long & black hair floating in the water...

Hands making its movement while swimming...

The fish body below the waist was moving right & left to make its movement

The black & beautiful eyes were able to see the wonderful water words and was enjoying..

The sharp nose was adding its beauty..

Lips were smiling which showed the excitement..

Chubby cheeks were shining inside the water...

Yes.. The mermaid was swimming with her friend inside the deep ocean playing together..

The two mermaid were swimming happily.

One was chasing the other..

The beautiful mermaid was swimming in the front leading the other.

The other mermaid was trying its best to overtake her friends

They were laughing enjoying the thrill..

They were crossing all the varieties of beautiful fish, tortoise like sea world creatures..

They were happy in their own world..

They came through a dolphin.

The beautiful mermaid hold that dolphin & started moving with it...

She turned towards her friends and showed the expression of winning the race between them.

Her friend was looking upset on her defeat today too..

Yes it is the usual for those friends to go on race between them.

But usually the mermaid which was beautiful used to win.

Even today same thing happens..

Her friend was trying her best to come near..

She turned towards her and was doing a dolphin ride..

It continued for sometime..

After few minutes...

When the mermaid turned to see her friend...

She was shocked...

The mermaid was shocked to see the big white sharp coming towards her friend to swallow her opening its big mouth showing its deadliest jaws..

She rushed towards her friend with full of tension.

Her friend was wondering what has happened..

The mermaid hold her friends hand & rushed towards the dolphin.

She jumped on dolphin with her friend..

Dolphin too noticed the shark & started moving fast from there holding the mermaids..

The mermaids were escaping from shark attack with help of dolphin..

Still they are not out of danger completely.

The shark was trying its best to catch them..

It was moving towards them..

The mermaids were tensed..

They hold their hands together..

They were looking at the the shark again & again..

It was nearing them...



The mermaids were holding their breathe seeing the giant animal coming near them.
Dolphin who was also in danger tried its best to move more faster as much as it can..
To their fortunate, the shark got another food on the way and catch hold of it.
its movement towards them stopped and started eating its pray..
The mermaid took deep breathe now as they got escape from such danger.
But it is not going to last for long.
They cant stop there as the shark may come towards them once it finish its pray which he got now.
The dolphin with mermaids continued its journey far from the shark..
The mermaids looked at each other with little relief though not got rid of the tension completely.
After few minutes of swimming, they reach near an island...
They can find few human in the shore..
The children started clapping its hands and shouting..
The mermaids were not seen as they are out of their vision..
The mermaids slowly looked at the direction of sound...
They saw human and was puzzled...
They were puzzled as they are not like them...
But few were like their upper half of the body while lower half of the body is unlike them...
This puzzle they get when seeing the other fishes too..
They are similar to them in lower part of the body while different in upper part of the body.
The mermaid were wondering seeing different form for first time...
They looked at each other with a smile..

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