It's raining

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SIddhant went near her and back hug tightly..

Siddhant: Roli darling, do you like this place..

Roli: Yes..

Siddhant: you wish to swim in the pool..

He asked showing the swimming pool.

ROli nod her head as No swiftly.

Siddhant: Why darling?  You know i saw you first in the water swimming with Dolphin.  Then i dont know why you behave strange with water...

Roli: Siddhant... Sorry...

ROli lean on his shoulder and hide her...

Siddhant was surprised...

Siddhant: Ok OK.  Relax...

SIddhant took ROli inside...

He took her in his arms and put her in the bed...

ROli smiled..

Siddhant lean towards her...

ROSID shared cute moments together...

After sometime...

Roli was on his shoulders hugging him..

Siddhant: Roli darling. I love you so much.  But wonder about your strange behaviour with the water.  Now at least tell me or try to express what is bothering you.

He asked kissing her cheeks.

Roli: Siddhant.. I Love You...

ROli said holding his cheeks...

Siddhant: ROli i know you love me.  But i am asking why you fear or get tensed seeing water...

Roli didn't reply and hide on his shoulder...

Siddhant: Ok Roli.  Leave it.  Shall we go out somewhere...

Roli: Yes..

ROSId started from the cottage and started walking around for sight seeing..

There was not much rush as it was off season..

They were walking holding their hands...

Siddhant slowly wrapped his hands around her shoulder and pulled her closer..

ROli lean on his shoulders...

THey were enjoying walking like that holding each other...

After few minutes...

The dark clouds gathered in the sky...

Slowly it started drizzling...

Roli started getting wet...

She got tensed...

Siddhant noticed that...

Roli: Siddhant...

Siddhant: Roli dont get tensed.  It is just raining..

ROli started pulling him to a shade where the rain cant reach..

Siddhant was surprised..

Siddhant: Roli it is not even heavy rain.  It is just drizzling. Why are you behaving like this?

She was not in a mood to hearing anything..

She was pulling him..

Siddhant for a while got irritated..

Siddhant: ROli, i am not going to do this.  I dont agree with your craziness on this water...

Roli understood he wont come with her.

But anyway she can't let her get wet.

Roli left his hands and rushed towards the shade..

Siddhant was surprised & shocked...

Siddhant: ROli you are coming now with me or not..

She didn't come...

Siddhant: Roli i am returning to our cottage..  Come here...

No response from her..

Siddhant: Final call ROli.  Dont expect me later that i will forgive you for all these.  There is limit for everything..

Roli doesn't understand any of his sayings..  

For her she need to hide her secret from him...  Nothing more than that...

Siddhant got angry that she never listen to what he said...

Siddhant turned against her and moved towards his cottage leaving Roli alone under the shade...

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