Her dress

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Siddhant was excited to take her with him..

He was really happy...

First of all he was not expecting to meet her again...

But now she is on his hand hold which was giving thrill to him..

Siddhant smiled..

They reached Siddhant room..

He took her inside the room and locked the door..

He switched on the light and now looked at her...

Siddhant eyes were gazing at her from head to toe..

He was surprised to see unique dress she was wearing...

Siddhant: HI girl, what type of dress is this? I never seen like this...

No reply and she was only blinking...

Siddhant with hesitation & fear that she should not mistake him touched the dress she was wearing to see what material it is...

It was looking like skin of a fish...

Siddhant: Girl, this does not seems to be like any fabric instead it looks like skin of a fish... Why are you wearing this?

Siddhant asked her with a surprise..

Siddhant: Oh No!  I forget always that you cant hear what i am talking.. Anyway may be you dont have anyone in the family and hence none might have given you dress to wear.  That is the reason you might have taken some fish skin which you got from the sea and wearing that...I feel pity on you.

Siddhant was very upset on seeing her condition of not even having any fabric dress to wear...

Siddhant: ANyway, dont worry.  I am here for you from now.  I will buy beautiful dress for my beautiful girl tomorrow.

He smiled...

The mermaid was still looking at him with same sort of surprise..

Siddhant cup her face...

Siddhant: Oh Girl!  Are you aware you have taken my heart when i saw you with dolphin.. Infact i came there in search of you only.  But never expect myself that my wish comes true and you came to me..

Siddhant went near his bag...

He took out his shirt and a shorts...

Siddhant: Can you wear this for today?  I cant see you wearing this dress anymore.

He forward his dress to her..

The mermaid was looking at the dress on his hand and his face...

She understood that is the one he is wearing and he is telling her too to wear instead of her dress what now she is wearing..

She took the dress..

He was very happy...

The mermaid tried to put the dress above her dress...

Siddhant hold her...

Siddhant: Girl, remove that dress and wear this.. 

He also showed action to remove her dress...

She understood what he means...

She took her hands near her hip to remove the dress she was wearing in front of him leaving Siddhant surprised...

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