Back to Delhi

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Roli was wondering what to do now...

She knows he doesn't see her yet...

But happens if he look at her when she come out of the water..

Roli hurried towards the shore..

She tried to go little far from the place where he was coming...

She slowly came out of the water...

She checked herself whether she changed her form...

ROli rushed towards SIddhant...

Siddhant was surprised to see her there..

Siddhant: Roli where you went?  You know how much i was worried missing you dear...

ROli just smiled and lean on his shoulder...

Siddhant: You are completely wet. Does this mean you went inside the sea?

He asked showing the sea...

Roli got afraid seeing him showing the sea..

ROli hide her face on his shoulder...

Siddhant: Roli i cant understand you.   You were not ready when i told you to come to water.  But now in the midnight you went inside water..

Roli tension was not reduced...  Her heart beat was increased...

Siddhant caresses her back and consol her to get rid of her tension..

Siddhant: ROli why are you tensed now?  DOnt worry for anything..

Roli lift her face and looked at him..

ROli kissed on his cheeks...

ROli remembered him kissing on her lips..

Roli moved towards his lips...

SIddhant was surprised..

After a while...

Their lips moved apart and ROli again lean on his shoulder to hide herself..

SIddhant: Roli darling.. You are in much romantic mood it seems...

He smiled..

Siddhant: Roli, anyway lets go to the room.  Its not good being wet in such midnight.

Siddhant hold her hands and took her to the room.

Roli slowly started learning to eat herself, combing her hair like small things.

Roli was gradually learning the language too...

Siddhant was feeling very happy with her..

He liked her innocence..

But he wonder why she is behaving strange at times..

He thought may be she is getting afraid..

The days were passing...

The time has come for Siddhant to return to his house..

He already booked her ticket too on the same day..

Siddhant: Roli we are going to my house today..

Roli: House...

She was not aware what house is and she was wondering what it is!

Siddhant: Roli, i came here just for holidays.  I reside in Delhi with my family..

Roli: Family!!!

Siddhant: Family means my mother, father, grandmother...

Siddhant was sure she is not aware of any of these.

Siddhant: DOnt take tension.  If you see them, you may understand easily.  Lets go.

Siddhant packed their bags...

Siddhant: Lets go.. 

Siddhant hold her hands and took her to the airport...

They get into the flight..

Roli was looking around the flight astonished...

Siddhant; Roli, this is flight and we are going to fly in this to reach Delhi.

ROli: Fly??

Siddhant: Yes Fly.  We will fly now i will show you..

Flight take off in few minutes..

Siddahnt: This is fly ok.

Roli: Fly...

ROli was afraid and hold his hands tightly and lean on his shoulder and closed her eyes..

Siddant smiled..

Siddhant: ROli dont worry.. Nothing will happen..

He hold her hands as a support.

After couple of hours of journey they reached the Delhi Airport.

Roli was looking surprised on this new atmosphere.

Siddhant: ROli, THis is Delhi.  Lets go home..

Siddhant came out holding Roli's hands...

His driver was waiting for him with the car..

Siddhant opened the car door...

Siddhant: ROli, sit inside..

Roli: Sit...

Siddhant: Yes. Sit inside.

Siddhant showed her the car seat..

Roli get into the car..

Siddhant too get into the car and sat beside her..

The driver was looking at the girl surprised..

Still he got no guts to ask his boss who that girl is?

After few minutes of drive they reached Bharatwaj house..

Siddhand got down from the car and opened the door for Roli..

ROli too got down and stood beside Siddhant.

Driver took the bags inside the house.

All Bharatwaj family members were happy that Siddhant returned..

Siddhant entered into Bharatwaj house holding Roli's hands leaving everyone shocked...

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