Can't go inside water

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Siddhant was excited to be with Roli.

Siddhant ordered food for them..

After the food delivered into their room...

Roli was wondering what all these are...

She never seen any of these..

Siddhant was looking at ROli's eyes which was blinking seeing the food...

Siddhant smiled...

He lift her face with his finger..

Siddhant: Roli, Have you never had any food like this?

ROli was looking at him and his moving lips wondering what he is telling...

Siddhant: Ok.  Let me teach you..

Siddhant started feeding her food...

Roli was excited...

Roli too took some food from his plate and feed Siddhant...

Siddhant was pleasantly surprised..

He understood everything is new for her and she is slowly learning 

Also she is repeating what he is doing...

Siddhant: Roli, now try to eat yourself as i cant feed you once we return to our home.  Now i will show you..

Siddhant eat himself and showed her..

Roli too eat herself like how he did..

Siddhant was happy to see her grasping the things easily..

Siddhant after finishing eating took Roli to washbasin and showed to wash her hands and mouth..

Roli started learning things slowly...

Siddhant sat in the sofa while ROli sat beside him..

He wrapped his hands around her shoulder and pulled her closer..

Roli lean on his shoulders...

Siddhant kissed on her forehead...

Siddhant: Roli i dont know what made you to cry after taking bath when you rushed to hug me.  But i think you are afraid that i may leave you.  I promise you ROli i wont leave you for any reason...

Siddhant touch her cheek with his palm...

Roli: Siddhant... Siddhant...

Roli utter the only word she knows...

Siddhant was getting ready combing his hair...

He looked at ROli's hair..

He made her sit in the dressing table chair and started combing her hair...

Roli was surprised as she never did something like that with the hair...

But she noticed the waving hair was getting set properly by combing it..

She was looking more beautiful..

Siddhaht: ROli now more beautiful you are..

He said with a smile..

Roli too smiled seeing Siddhant smiling...

Siddhant lost for a moment seeing the smiling beauty..

He went near her face & kissed on her cheeks..

Roli too turned towards him & kissed on his cheeks...

Siddhant: Roli, lets go out for sometime...

She was wondering what he is talking..

Siddhant hold her hands and took her out..

Roli was feeling excited getting the fresh air from the outside...

Siddhant started walking in the road holding her hands..

Roli too hold his hands tightly.

After few minutes of walk they reached the beach..

They started walking towards the sea...

Roli was excited seeing the sea...

But in a while she realised her truth...

How can she be happy?

What happens if he see her as creature of Sea?

Roli looked at Siddhant with a confused face...

Siddhant was surprised..

He was expecting her to be happy as he saw her playing in the sea only for the first time.

Then what is bothering her now..

Roli stopped going to water before some feet taking care she is out of reach of water..

Siddhant was moving towards the sea while ROli was refusing to coming forward..

Siddhant tried to pull her, but she was still adamant to come with him towards water..

He was surprised..

Siddhant: Roli, i know you like & play in the water.  Then why are you not ready to come near it?

Roli was blinking her eyes...

Siddhant: Roli, come naa dear.  What happened?

He again tried to pull her..

She got tears on her eyes..

Siddhant was shocked...

Siddhant: ROli, dont cry.  Its ok if you dont wish to come to water...  I wont compel you anymore...

He wiped her tears...

Siddhant: Lets sit here itself..

He sat in the sand and made her sit beside him..

ROli lean on his shoulder and gazing at the Sea, her motherland...

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