Mermaid on the shore

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The dolphin was moving towards the deep sea...

The beautiful mermaid turned towards the shore as she liked the different atmosphere of land...

Her freind looked at her with a puzzle what she is looking at...

They left the dolphin to go..

The mermaid was very much interested to come to the land..

But she was not sure whether she can survive in the land...

Since birth she is inside water only...

Also seen only water world creatures...

Marine plants...

But what she seen today is something different...

New varieties of plants...

The area without water...

New type of forms unlike water creatures..

The sound which they created...

She remembered and recollected what the sound was...


She is not aware what it means...

But she was sure they were looking towards her...

Does this mean they were calling her as 'Dolphin'

She was not quiet sure about it...

Her friends was wondering what happened to her..

She expressed like what she is looking for...

The beautiful mermaid pointed the land side..

Her friend was confused...

She was unable to understand what she is trying to say..

She hold her hands and pulled her towards deep sea..

The mermaids started swimming into the deep sea...

The mermaid was taking rest with her friend in its usual place.

But her thoughts were around the land..

She was wondering how beautiful it was...

Though she is not sure whether she can survive in the land..

She wanted to make a try..

She looked at her friend..

She was sleeping peaceful..

The mermaid was sure that her friend will not let her go if awake...

But she can't wait anymore..

She wanted to feel that different atmosphere..

She started swimming towards the shore...

After few minutes of swimming she reached the shore...

She looked at the land.

Now being night time, the shore was empty..

The place was completely dark...

She looked around...

There little far she can see some houses with some light...

On the other side more far she can see more lights here & there...

She was thinking whether to try going out of water or not...

THe mermaid was looking around..

She was thinking whether to go out of water or not...

She was not interested to leave the chance of going out and see what happens...

SHe decided to go out and see..

If she is finding difficult outside, she decided to jump back into the water.

SHe slowly moved towards the land...

She was almost nearing the land..

SHe forward her hand towards land and touch the sand keeping her body inside the water...

SHe was looking herself whether she is finding any difficulty..

But not...

She was not finding any difficulty..

She took out her face from water..

She checked whether she is able to breathe..

Yes she was able to breathe with her nose..

She was excited..

She slowly started coming out of water...


She managed to come out fully...

She was thrilled...

She looked at herself..

She can notice instead of fish like her lower part of the body she found legs like the human she saw in the shore...

Her fish skin was covering her like a cloth...

She was wondering...

SHe was unable to even express this new feeling...

SHe slowly got up and stand on her legs...

She was unable to believe herself..

She was jumping in joy...

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