Tasty coffee

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Siddhant got up from the bed and ordered Coffee for them through the intercom...

Roli was wondering what to do now and was sitting in the bed...

Siddhant went to washroom and fresh up himself..

He came out taking shower.

Siddhant saw ROli still sitting in the bed with a confused face...

Siddhant heard calling bell sound...

Siddhant opened the door and took the coffee from the staff...

He closed the door and kept it on the table..

Siddhant: Roli, go and brush your teeth..

Roli was looking at him without knowing what he is telling...

Siddhant understood her mind..

Siddhant hold her hand and took her to the bathroom..

Roli was surprised to see a different sort of room...

Siddhant took the additional new brush which was kept in the room..

He put the paste and gave her to brush...

Roli took the brush and was wondering what to do..

Siddhant took back the brush from her and brushed her teeth...

Siddhant opened the tap while water started flowing in the tap..

Roli was surprised and happy to see the water...

She gave a broad smile...

Siddhant made her wash her mouth with the water...

Siddhant: ROli this is how we brush our teeth. Ok...

Roli was looking at him with a widened eyes..

Siddhant: Dont worry.  I will teach you one by one.  Now come and have coffee with me.

Siddhant took her to the sofa and they sat beside each other.

Siddhant gave the cup of coffee to her to drink.

Roli was wondering what need to be done with this.

Siddhant was surprised to see, she not even know to drink coffee..

He felt very strange...

Siddhant took the cup from her and feed her the coffee..

She started having coffee..

Roli till date never had anything like this...

She was feeling it tasty...

She gave a smile looking at him..

By her smile, Siddhant understood she liked it..

After giving her coffee he too had coffee...

Siddhant: Roli, you stay here.  I will buy a dress for you from the shop.. So that you can wear taking bath..

Roli was just blinking her eyes looking at his moving lips...

Siddhant got up and went out locking the door...

Roli was sitting int he sofa inside.

She tried to repeat the word she learn to pronounce..'Roli' 'Roli'

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