He is angry

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Roli realised she started turning fish from hip..

Fortunately her lehenga was covering her changing form.

Roli thought for a while 

She can't reveal her truth to him.

Roli pushed him away and rushed out of the bathroom.

She started getting human form once getting wet stopped now.

Roli got relieved...

But that doesn't stop the scenerio

Siddhant was surprised on her sudden behavior.

He wonder what made her to push him like that & go away.

He is sure its not that she dont like...

In fact she too was enjoying the moment...

He felt very bad and ashamed.

He was thinking can't I enjoy that much also with wife...

He finished taking bath 

He came out & saw roli sitting in the sofa with wet dress..

He got little angry due to her denial.

He went to comb his hair without even smiling at her

Roli understood he is upset 

Roli went near him.

She wrapped her hands around him & back hug tightly.

Siddhant gave angry look...

He took her hands from him.

He changed the dress & went down leaving roli with tears 

Roli was crying in the room.

She was unable to bear his anger.

But what she do?

How can she let him know about her truth?

What will be his reaction?

She can't afford to go away from him.

If she can't see him going sway in anger then how she can go to her world leaving him...

So many confusion..

She don't have her friend too to share her grief...

She felt bad herself to do such with him.

Is she the one who wanted to go away when she can't afford to even a single minute away from him..

She alone knows how much she feel bad when he goes outside leaving her at home.

That too after having such sweet moments together can she go away.

How can she explain him?

She can't even talk like him & express her..

What she know are very few words..

When she was in so many thoughts siddhant entered into the room.

He sat in the bed with upset face.

Roli went near him

Roli sat beside him.

Roli looked at siddhant with tears..

Roli: siddhant... siddhant...

She lean on his shoulders

Siddhant moved her away holding her shoulder..

Siddhant: no roli.. I can't bear all these... I know you behave strange at times... I was thinking you are afraid.. but what happens to you. Why you behave like that with me.   If you don't want then why are you coming to me now

Roli: siddhant... i ... love... you...

Siddhant was stunned hearing herself telling this.

Siddhant: roli I do understand you love me then why you behave like that

Roli cup his face & looked into his eyes with tears..

The eyes exchanged so many then the words can..

Siddhant too got tears..

He pulled her closer and hug tightly...

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