Mermaid with Siddhant

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Siddhant was excited to see her...

SIddhant mind was full of her thoughts even after returning to his room.

Siddhant looked at the picture which he clicked with her...

He admired her beautiful face...

He was not getting sleep.

He was thinking, she should be somewhere on the shore

So he decided to go to the beach to look for her..

THough he was not sure, some inner feeling was pushing him towards the shore...

Yes finally he is in the beach...

He was not expecting such a clash with that beauty..

He was pleasantly surprised and was standing speechless...

His eyes were admiring her beauty from head to toe..

How beautiful!! How beautiful she is!!

He forgot to even blink his eyes...

He was enjoying her closeness..

He was unable to believe that he saw her again and that too very close..

He was thrill when she touch his nose..


When he realised she is moving away from him...

He cant wait anymore.. He cant stand speechless..

Siddhant moved towards her who was going away from him..

Siddhant hold her hands..

Siddhant stoppped her from going further leaving the girl shocked...

The mermaid was shocked on his sudden hold of her hand...

She was afraid...

She tried to take her hand from his hold...

Siddhant with a smile went near her..

Siddhant: Oh beauty!  Dont get afraid..

She was blinking her eyes without understanding what sound he is creating with his mouth...

Siddhant: Hi Girl!  What are you looking like this surprised?

She was still wondering and was looking at his moving lips slighting tilting her head with surprise...

Siddhant: Are you from this area?  What is your name?

She tried to move her mouth like how he is doing... But was not sure how to create the sound...

Siddhant was wondering why she is not talking anything...

Siddhant doubt whether she is deaf and dumb or something like that as she was moving her lips but was not talking anything...

Siddhant: Can you hear me?

Still he received no reply...

Siddhant decided to talk to her with actions as he doubt she may be deaf and dumb...

Siddhant showed her for 'You'

He showed the sorrounding by moving his hands around to show 'this area'

He wanted to ask her whether she is from this area

THe mermaid think well for a while...

She understood by his action he is asking about her showing the land..

So she was thinking he is asking her whether she belongs to this land...

She was afraid...

Is it wrong to come to land like this?

Is that why he is asking her?

Whether he will harm her for coming to the land..

So many questions raised on her mind...

The mermaid showed the water...

Yes it showed the water to convery she is from water...

Siddhant smiled...

Siddhant: Girl, why are you showing water?  I know you like water very much as i see you inside the water with that dolphin on other day.. but i am asking whether you belongs to this area of island...

She was not understanding any of his words and was just looking at his face & lips movement...

Siddhant: May be my actions you are not understanding.. How can i know about you & your family?  

Siddhant again action like holding the person shoulder next to him to ask where is someone close to her...

The mermaid again showed the water understanding what he mean...

Yes mermaid showed her friend is under water... She is unaware about her family.. The one & only she knows is her friend who is sleeping inside the water...

Siddhant was thinking may be she lost her family in the water...

Siddhant: Will you come with me?

Siddhant was still can see her confused face...

Siddhant hold her hands...

Siddhant expressed by pulling her hands closer...

Siddhant: Will you come with me?

The mermaid though not understand what he said was now little clear that he is not the one who can harm her...

SHe understood he is trying to convery her something...

Still she was unable to reveal her expression..

Siddhant was happy that she didn't deny for his wish..

So he decided to take her with him.

Siddhant hold her hands and started moving towards his room which was walkable...

The mermaid was going behind Siddhant...

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