Time for revelation

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Roli went near Siddhant and tried to console him..

Siddhant was only irritated.

Siddhant: Roli, dont make me wild that i lift my hands against you.  

He lift his hands and showed her..

Roli was shocked...

Roli got tears...

Siddhant moved from there and went near window and was looking outside 

The beautiful swimming pool was visible to him now..

Roli slowly went near him again..

Roli: Siddhant...

She started crying...

Siddhant: Roli, i said stop it.  I dont want these crying and all.  

ROli tried to wrap her hands around him from behind..

He took her hands from him..

Then she kept her hand on his shoulder..

Siddhant removed her hand from his shoulder...

She tried to lean on his back..

Siddhant moved away and showed angry face at her..

Roli: Siddhant...Sorry...

Siddhant: I dont want any sorry from you.  i wish to know the truth.  What is bothering you?  If you have answer then talk to me..

Roli got no other option now..

Roli: Siddhant... Roli go...

Siddhant: Roli if you are not ready to tell me that is only going to happen.  You can very well go anywhere you want.  

Roli nod her head as 'No'

Siddhant: ROli i too dont want to go away from you.  But if you are adamant to hide the reason for your behaviour then i too got no other option left.

Roli understood she left with no other option other than letting him know about her..

Also how long she can hide her truth from him..

How many times he will forgive her...

Roli decided to let him know about her truth...

She decided to face the consequences..

ROli wipe her tears..

ROli went near Siddhant face and kissed on his cheeks.

She was not sure whether such chance she will get again if her truth is known to him..

ROli rushed towards the cottage door.

Siddhant looked at her and thought she is ready to go out, but not to reveal him the truth...

He was irritated.

He looked outside with disappointment as he never thought Roli will decide to go out of his life...

Siddhant suddenly saw ROli near the swimming pool.

Siddhant was surprised...

As unexpected by Siddhant, Roli dive into the water...

Siddhant was shocked seeing ROli diving into the pool..

He wonder the girl who was getting afraid seeing swimming pool and hide herself on him now diving into the water..

Siddhant was unable to hold him angry anymore.

He was worried whether she is trying something like suicide!!

Siddhant rushed towards the pool...

But when he near the pool...

He was shocked...

He was standing speechless...

Siddhant can see a mermaid inside the pool...

Siddhant bend down his knees near the pool out of shock..

Siddhant now rewind his days with ROli...

When he saw her for the first time she was with Dolphin inside the sea...

THis means she was mermaid who was playing with dolphin...

Then when he saw her in the land she was wearing the fish dress...

This means she came out and took human form and her fish skin turned to be her dress...

She was not knowing anything about land its languange or anything...

Being mermaid the water world creature, she was new to the land life...

ON the other day she was refusing to go into the sea in front of him..

She dont want to turn mermaid again...

But on that same day night she came out of water..

Which means she turned mermaid and went inside water and came back turning human again..

While taking shower she pushed him and went out when she started getting wet.

THis shows she might have turned mermaid which she doesn't want to happen..

Each & everytime she avoided to be in water so that her truth of being mermaid will be hide from him...

Even today she was not ready to get wet int he rain because...

Yes.  Now everything is clear for Siddhant...

IN the meantime, Roli came out of water taking human form again...

Roli went near him and bend down her knees and was beside him...

Roli touched his shoulders with lots of puzzle on her mind what will be his reaction knowing her truth...

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