Wedding night

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Siddhant took Roli to his room...

Roli looked at the room which was beautifully decorated today unlike the other days..

It was filled with red roses and candles with a sweet fragrance filled in the air...

Roli with a smile was looking around the room..

Siddhant was admiring her excited face...

ROli went near the bed and touched the red rose gently which was put for decorating the bed..

Siddhant went near her and sat beside her..

He admired her face and caresses her cheeks..

Roli turned towards Siddhant with a smile...

Siddhant: Roli darling, you are surprised seeing these roses and decoration while i am excited seeing my beautiful wife.

Roli: Wife??

Siddhant: Yes roli.  You are my wife as we are married.

Roli was looking at him wondering what he is talking about

Siddhant showed her the mangal sutra..

Siddhant: Roli i put this on your neck and we took pheres right.  So we are married traditionally.  You are my wife...  

He said with a smile..

Roli was looking at him without understanding any of these...

Siddhant; DOnt worry i am here to teach you...

Siddhant widen his arms while Roli join his shoulders...

Siddhant lift her face and kissed all over her face...

Then he down towards her neck and kissed on crook of her neck..

Siddhant slowly removed the duppatta of Lehenga...

He pushed her to the bed and lean on her...

He caresses her face, neck and through the shoulder towards her fingers...

When he touched her hip, roli remembered Siddhant holding her from removing her fish dress on the first day...

ROli blushed...

Siddhant; ROli darling, i am seeing you blushing for the first time.  I am lost on your pinky cheeks..

He kissed on her cheeks.

Roli too wrapped her hands around him and kissed all over his face...

Siddhant pulled her more closer and undid the dhori of her blouse and moved towards the hook...

ROli hide her on his chest...

Siddhant with a smile covered them with a blanket...

Siddhant taught her lessons of romance...

Roli was thrilled on the new experiences...

They were lost in their own world...

Roli & Siddhant become ROSID...

ROli wake up and saw herself on his chest hugging him tightly..

Roli remembered the sweet moments of the previous day and was excited...

Roli blushed...

Roli kissed on his chest...

Siddhant wake up by this and looked at Roli with a smile..

Siddhant; ROli darling...

Roli: Siddhant...

Siddhant kissed on her forehead...

He noticed Roli blushing...

Siddhant: Roli if you blush like this, i wont get any mood to get up...

He pulled her closer wrapping his hands around her...

ROSID shared some more hugs and kisses for sometime...

Siddhant; ROli, now lets take bath and go down..  All will be waiting for us.

Siddhant got up and went to washroom to take bath..

While taking bath he got a michief thought...

Siddhant: Roli...

Roli heard him calling her...

Roli went near the washroom.

Roli: SIddhant...

Siddhant suddenly opened the door and pulled Roli inside the bathroom...

Siddhant wrapped his hands around her and pulled her closer.

Siddhant; Roli darling, lets have bath together...

He started kissing her...

ROli was not knowing he called and pulled inside to take bath...

ROli was enjoying the kisses given by Siddhant...

Siddhant hands move forward to open the shower...

He opened it slowly and the water started showering on ROSID who were lost in each other...

Roli started getting wet

In a while ROli realised what is happening and shocked...

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