Roli & first kiss

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Siddhant was surprised...

He was wondering how she is trying to remove her dress in front of him...

He hurried to hold her from doing that...

Siddhant hold her hands..

Siddhant nod his head as 'No'

Siddhant: Girl!  Dont you even dont know you should not change your dress in front of other?  I am surprised.  Any way there is a room to change the dress.  You can go there and change your dress..

Siddhant know she might have not understood anything..

Siddhant hold her hands and took her inside...

Siddhant: This is the changing room.  You change your dress here.

Siddhant left her inside the room and came out.  He closed the door.

Siddhant was wondering how she is not even aware of these things...

He was thinking may be she might have lost her family during childhood and none were there to guide her..

It is quite obvious when none is there to give dress to such young beautiful girl then who might have taught her all these...

But now he is here to teach her whatever she need to learn...

Siddhant to himself: Oh Girl!  Dont worry.  I will be with you and i will teach you everything...

He smiled...

Siddhant heard the sound of tapping the door.

The mermaid was not knowing the way to open the door..

Siddhant opened the door and looked at the mermaid in his Tshirt & shorts...

She was looking beautiful...

His eyes admired her for a while..

It is almost midnight...

Now its time to sleep..

Siddhant: Shall we sleep now?

Siddhant went near bed and lay down on the bed...

The mermaid too lay down like him in the bed and looked at him with surprise...

Siddhant: How long i can call you girl?  I need to decide some good name for you... I am sure you are not aware of any name of you .  I will look for some good name for you.

He smiled...

The mermaid too smiled looking at him...

He was happy to see her smiling..

Both were looking at each other for long and slept slowly...

Siddhant wake up in the morning and looked at the sleeping beauty...

He admired her face...

He got smile seeing her on his dress.

He was thinking how innocent she is...

She is not aware of anything...

She got no one to even buy dress for her...

He was feeling pity on her...

Siddhant: Now i need to think of some good name...

He was thinking for a while...

Siddhant: Roli... I think this name will be beautiful like you... I will call you with the name Roli from now...

Siddhant was excited that he got a suitable name for her...

Siddhant moved near her...

Siddhant kept his right hand on her cheeks...

Siddhant: Roli... Roli...

The mermaid was feeling inside as if someone is calling her and opened her eyes...

Siddhant: Roli.. Roli will be your name... Do you like it?

Roli was looking at his lips movement of calling 'Roli'

She tried the same movement herself... She made few tries again and again..Finally...

Roli: Roli...

Siddhant was surprised to hear her..

Siddhant is now confirmed she is neither deaf nor dumb...

She can very well hear him calling her Roli & also able to speak..

Siddhant understood may be she might have got no one to teach her to speak.  That is the reason she doesn't know to speak...

Now he decided to teach her language too...

Siddhant in happiness of hearing her talking placed his first kiss on her forehead...

Roli was pleasantly surprised

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