New excitement

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The mermaid started walking in the sand slowly...

She was looking around with full of excitement..

SHe was happy about the new organ leg which she got just now...

Which is making her to walk for first time in her life...

Everything was thrilling her...

Everything was new to her..

She was walking with full of excitement...

THe sand below the foot was creating tickling on her...

She smiled...

How thrilling the experience is..

Very different from what she seen all these days inside the water...

She was happy that she is safe from the giant sharks like dangerous creatures..

She was looking here & there...

The wind was blowing and touched her...

THis experience is something she is feeling for first time...

She never had such things inside the water...

She closed her eyes...

She enjoyed the feeling...

It was cool breeze..

It created untold feeling inside her...

SHe was excited...

She was thrilled...

She folded her hands and hold her elbows..

It is new...

Yes.. Everything is new for her now..

SHe slowly opened her eyes and continued her walk..

After few minutes of walk...

She clash with someone and stopped...

The mermaid was shocked...

She got afraid...

Her body was shivering...

She lift her face and looked at with whom she clash just now..

SHe saw a human who was looking at her astonished...

She was looking at the human without blinking her eyes...

She was wondering why he is looking at her like this...

She looked at him from head to toe..

She was surprised to see him standing speechless gazing at her...

She was not sure what to do now...

She too looked at his face slanting her head a little...

There was no movement on the human...

She wondered what happened to him..

She slowly went around him with surprise...

Still no movement from him...

She took her hand near his face and wave it in front of his eyes...

Still he seems to be like in absolute shock...

There was no reaction...

She touch his nose with her finger...

Still no changes...

She was not sure...

She thought may be this is the nature of this creature...

May be they stand like this if someone clash with them,,,

She smiled...

She tried to move away from there...

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