Back to her friend

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ROli who came out of the cottage was wondering where to go...

She is new to land...

Since she came to land it was Siddhant who took care of her like eyelids...

But now how can she survide in the land without him

Moreover she is not even interested in land anymore when her love itself is not with her..

Roli was thinking how to reach her place...

She thought for a while and decided water will be the correct resource...

She went in search of water resource...

She saw a big lake and jumped into it...

She looked around inside the water and she saw the huge water lines going to other cities from the lake..

She entered into those giant water lines and started moving fast with the help of water flowing in the lines...

The lines were going to so many cities...

She was swimming in the water for days together..

Then finally she reached a small lake where the water was flowing through the giant water lines.

She jumped into it..

She got no outlet from that small lake..

So she came out of it...

Then went in search of other water resources...

Finally she saw a river flowing...

Roli jumped into the river...

She swim on the river flow...

The riverfinally lead her to the ocean...

Roli was happy that she finally reached her place...

But ocean is huge.. She need to locate her place..  She need to locate her friend...

She took the help of a dolphin again and started travelling for days together...

Finally she reached her place...

She was relieved seeing her friend...

Her friend was very much excited to see Roli...

They hug mutually..

Her friend expressed how come she returned there again...

Roli expressed about what happened to her friend in their own language...

Her friend got tears and also she wipe the tears of Roli and hug her as support...

Roli decided to continue her life in the sea which is her birth place.. the Maternal place...

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