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Siddhant took her to the restaurant for Dinner instead of ordering from the room..

He ordered the food and looked at her.

Siddhant: Roli, now i wish you eat yourself and try..

Roli was smiling looking at him..

Siddhant: Roli you are a puzzle..  First when i saw you were playing with Dolphin just like that..  But today not even ready to come near water...  Suddenly you cry.. Suddenly you kiss.. Suddeny you hug.. Above all you are not aware of anything which we all do..  I am very much surprised..

Roli was just noticing his lip movements..

The food was served.

Siddhant started eating while Roli too started eating like how Siddhant did.

Siddhant: Roli, you are smart enough darling... You are able to learn the things quickly...

He smiled...

Siddhant: Dont worry.  I will teach you everything very quick...

Roli smiled seeing Siddhant smiling...

After having dinner they return to their room...

Siddhant lay down in the bed while Roli lay down beside him...

Siddhant looked at ROli...

Roli was not able to bear the distance between them.

She rushed towards him and lean on his shoulder..

Siddhant: ROli darling...

Roli looked at his face...

Siddhant: ANything bothering you... 

He caresses her hair and kissed on her forehead...

Roli too kissed on his forehead...

Siddhant smiled..

Siddhant: Roli, you kiss my forehead if i kiss on your forehead.  you kiss my cheeks if i kiss your cheeks.. Let me see what you do now...

Siddhant moved towards her lips...

Roli was surprised...

After a while...

Their lips moved apart..

Siddhant looked at her with a mischief smile..

Roli blushed for the first time...

Siddhant admired her pinky cheeks..

Siddhant: Roli darling, i love you...

ROli smiled..

Roli wrapped her hands around him while Siddhant wrapped his hands around her...

ROli lean on his shoulder and closed her eyes...

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