Sid is thrown into ocean

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Siddhant was looking outside the room through the window of the cottage in the island...

It went 2 years he was unable to locate Roli...

He searched to his best in all places in the land...

Infact he tried to complaint to police to search for her...

Nothing got any use...

He was thinking whether she might have return to sea...

But where can he go in search of her inside the sea...

Sea is huge...  It is difficult to locate... 

Siddhant was not getting interest in anything...

Siddhant told the truth to his family members who was surprised...

They insisted him to marry again..

But Siddhant was neither interested in any second marriage nor interested in any thing in his life...

Everything was felt as boring for him...

He lost his interest completely...

He told his father to take care and came back to the island remembering ROli before 2 days...

He is just looking at the sea searching for her traces...

Nothing work out...

He went out of the room and started walking without any destiny...

His frustration was shown on his face...

Siddhant was thinking, Roli i made a mistake.  I was suppose to talk to you immediately and told you that still i love you.  Then you might have not left me and go like this...  I cant live without you.. I know you too cant live without me...  Then why all these hide and seek between us.. Please come to me... Please come to me...

He shed tears...

He closed his eyes while he felt like someone hit on his head with a stick...

He faint and fall down...

It was his business enemy or competitor who was having clash with Siddhant before some days...

He got good chance to see him in frustrated mood all alone that too in such night time when no one is there around to see and locate the culprit...

He called a person and arranged for a boat..

He himself with help of the other man took Siddhant in the boat towards the deep sea...

After reaching good distance inside he throw him into the ocean and return with a big smile...

Siddhant was drowning in the water...

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