Roli is Missing

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Siddhant was yet to release from the shock...

Roli was afriad to even talk to him...

She was looking at his face for his reaction...

Roli: Siddhant...

She hold his cheeks with tears...

Siddhant took her hands from him..

He got up and went inside the room..

Roli was unable to understand his expression..

Roli too followed him and went inside...

As her dress was wet, she changed the other dress and came near him...

In the meantime, Siddhant was in the bed with crossed hands hiding his eyes...

Roli got no guts to go near him and disturb...

Roli sat on the sofa...

She was shedding tears...

She was unable to bear the distance between them..

She was unable to bear seeing Siddhant not talking to her..

She rememebered the moments they shared together...

But she felt he is right...

She hide her truth to him which is wrong...

How can she expect him to forgive her...

She was suppose to reveal her long back infact on first day..

But being Sea creature, her wish for living in land itself is wrong...

Over & above loving a human is worst thing..

That too not revealing the truth to him..

How affectionated he was to her..

How much he taught to her...

She realised her mistake completely..

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