「 four 」

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Sleep is something that is much needed for me considering that I wake up extremely early for school just to get a run in. So imagine my anger when I'm woken up by my phone ringing on my bedside table. With a groan, I turn around and grab the device before clicking accept and pressing it against my ear.

"What?!." I exclaim into the speaker, not caring about who it is on the other line.

"Wow, I'm so sorry for waking you up your highness." A familiar voice says sarcastically, his sarcasm is so noticeable that even a deaf person could hear it. Of course it's Mitchell again, why would it be anyone else?

"How did you get my number?." I ask as I use my other hand to rub the sleep away from my eyes. He has the worst timing than anyone in the entire world, I wish he was here, so I could bury him six feet underground, but I'd go to Japan or something, so no one could find his body.

"Athena." He simply says. Athena is his young sister and a friend of mine, she doesn't go to our school or any for that matter, she's homeschooled, so we hang out whenever we can and surprisingly enough, the two of us have a lot in common and enjoy our time together.

"Makes sense." I say "so why are you calling me?." I ask, getting straight to the point. The sooner he tells me, the sooner I can hang up and go to sleep. I may be an active person, but for me to be an active person, I need to get sleep as much as I can.

"My grandma is flying in today, so you're coming for lunch." He orders "my parents insisted." He finishes. Unlike their horrible son, his parents are extremely nice; I've only spoken to them a few times, but from our small conversations I can tell that they're nice people. I wonder what went wrong with Mitchell? They probably dropped him on his head too many times that his brain just disappeared.

I groan "I didn't know we had to pretend being in a relationship so soon, I haven't mentally and emotionally prepared myself for the trauma."

Mitchell dryly laughs "you're so funny, aren't you?."

"I like to think so." I retort "do your parents even know about us 'dating'?." I ask using my fingers as quotations marks even though he can't see me.

"Yes hence why they're inviting you over for lunch." He answers and I mentally slap my hand against my forehead. Why didn't I think of that? That's what happens when I'm woken up from my sleep.

"What time do you want me there?." I ask, knowing that if I don't go; my secret will be spilt.

"Twelve thirty." He answers "you better be here." He threatens, but before I can reply, he hangs up. I look at the blank screen of my phone in annoyance; how dare he? It's something he would do, but how rude. I roll my eyes as I turn on the screen to check the time, I groan once again when seeing that it's eleven thirty. If I want to be there on time, I need to get ready now. I get up from bed and gather a sundress, underwear and a bra before heading to my bathroom where I turn on the shower.

A yawn escapes me as I stick my hand into the rushing water. When I feel that it's lukewarm temperature, I strip down naked and hop into the shower, standing under the water that washes away the stress I have. I begin washing my hair, face and body, enjoying my time in the shower. After I'm fully clean, I turn off the water and step out of the shower before wrapping a towel around my body. I then proceed to grab my hairdryer and plugging it in before beginning to dry my hair.

Sometimes I just dry my hair with the towel and than let the air do the rest, but since I don't have enough time for that; I'm going to use the power of heat. When my hair is dry, I brush the light pink locks before drying my body and changing into my sundress that is covered in sunflowers. To finish off the look, I apply some natural makeup and add on a yellow headband over my bangs before putting on some yellow flats.

Even though, I hate Mitchell that doesn't mean I have to hate the rest of his family or use that an excuse to dress horribly in front of his grandma. I look at myself in the smile and with a smile of approval, I enter back into my room and grab my phone to check the time. The time on my phone says 12:26pm which isn't bad since I'm only next door. I make my way out of my room before walking downstairs.

"I'm going out, I'll be back soon!." I shout into the house, so dad can hear before opening the front door and walking outside. There're barely any clouds in the sky and no soft breeze flowing by, it's just the bright blue sky and the beaming sun that shines down on me and everything around me. I look to the house next door and begin making my way over.

Who knows how this will go. There could be many possibly outcomes and I'm hoping for the good one for my sake. It only takes me about twenty seconds to reach their front door and when I do, I raise my fist and knock on the wooden and red coloured door. Their house is beautiful just like my dad's, it's big and the outside is just painted pure white. On the porch I'm standing on there are a few chairs and a white porch swing that is connected to the roof that is held by the two pillars a few feet behind me on either side of the small steps.

A couple of minutes pass by before the door finally opens. There standing on the other side of the doorway is Athena. Upon seeing me, her eyes widen and a bright smile spreads across her face. It's been awhile since the two of us have seen each other because I've been busy with tests and homework and so has she.

"Faye! It's so good to see you." She tells me, bringing me into a hug. With a small giggle, I return it and after awhile of us hugging one another, we pull away from each other "come on, we were all waiting for you." She says as she drags me into the house and into the living room where Mitchell and an older woman stands, talking to each other. From the looks of it, it appears to be their grandma.

As we get closer, Mitchell's blue eyes meet my dark brown ones and soon, his grandma turns around. Her grey hair is tightly held in a bun on top of her head, she's wearing a long sleeved black shirt with puffy sleeves paired with a long purple skirt that flows to the floor. Winkles appear on her forehead and cheeks when she smiles at me.

"And who is this beautiful young lady?." Their grandma asks and I smile at the compliment as I feel my cheeks flush red from her kind words.

"Grandma this is Faye, she's-." Mitchell pauses, looking to me "my girlfriend."

And it begins.

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