xxiv. it'll be okay princess

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Why won't the pain end?

Everything screams in pain at the fact that my biological mother is dead. The woman I never got to meet, the woman who gave birth to me and who gave me away. I never got to meet her, I never got to ask her personally where I'm from and who my biological father was. However, she explained it to me all in my letter. I want to cry, but I've run out of tears to cry, I wanted to scream until my voice didn't exist, but I didn't have the strength.

I didn't have the strength to do anything. I haven't moved from this bed since finding out the horrible news which was yesterday. I even missed school again which wasn't normal for me since I wanted to graduate. But honestly, all I care about is mourning the loss of a mother I never met. I never got to go shopping with her, I never got to talk about girly things like boys. We never got our nails done together, I never got to hug her or kiss or even tell her I love her.

And I'll never be able to do those things. I haven't talked to him either, I couldn't even call him my dad anymore. The fact that he kept this from me hurt even more than finding out because I did know him. He took care of me and loved me and gave me everything I needed and wanted, but never told me the truth. When does the secrets end, when does the pain end?

"Faye?!." Exclaims a voice from downstairs; someone's in the house, but I don't say anything. I didn't care if someone's in the house to kill me or kidnap me, honestly I wouldn't mind, I need the escape. My eyes look at my blue walls; I should paint them again, I'm kind of tired of the blue. Soon after hearing the voice in my house, I hear my door open "oh honey." A familiar voice sighs.

I know who it is; it's Luke. I didn't want to talk to him, I'm a mess. I haven't showered, eaten or even gone for a run which is something I usually do. Before everything, my life was great; it was perfect and I had everything laid out, but now everything is ruined and I didn't like that. I didn't like the pain, I didn't like it and I wanted it to end so badly.

"Faye, come on, you can't stay in bed forever." Luke says softly "I know you're hurting, but this isn't healthy; we're all worried about you." He continues, trying to get a reaction out of me, but I didn't move, not even a centimetre "Faye, if you don't get up right now than I'm going to have to force you out of this room." He tells me after a few silent moments, his voice turning serious "alright, you leave me no choice." He sighs after I don't say anything before snapping his fingers together.

Suddenly I'm lifted up from the bed, but I don't complain. I didn't have the strength to fight when I'm trying to fight the pain from consuming me completely. I look up to see the face of the person who is carrying me to see that it's Mitchell. I don't say anything even though I'm curious as to where and why they're taking me from my bed, the only thing bringing me comfort.

Unexpectedly, the sun setting hits my face and I close my eyes at the sudden impact. So we're outside, that doesn't help at all as to where we're going and especially when the sun is setting. The sounds of car doors being open fills my ears as I'm placed on a seat. Mitchell reaches over me and puts on my seatbelt for me. He then closes the door and walks away, I'm assuming he's getting into the car himself.

"Ready Mitchell?." Luke asks the boy, looking into the rearview mirror.

Mitchell didn't say anything, but I assume he nodded since Luke started the car before backing out and driving to goodness knows where. I lean into my seat while my eyes look at the scenery that passes by in a flash. Hopefully, I'll find some clue as to where we're going, but as of now, nothing is sticking out. Everything is silent, no one says anything and I'm wondering if it's because they think I'm going to break at any moment.

"She's dead." I simply say "my biological mother died and I never got to meet her." I tell no one in particular; I guess I'm saying it to anyone who will listen. My voice breaks as I say the words, I'm on the verge of crying and I didn't think that was possible because I thought I cried out all my tears yesterday.

I feel someone's hand on my shoulder from behind me. It isn't Luke since he's in the driver's seat beside me, so it must be Mitchell and I'm grateful for that. For him to not say anything and just place a hand on my shoulder in comfort is doing more than he'll ever know. It's true when people say that actions speak louder than words and this is one of those moments.

"I never even got to say goodbye-." I begin "I never got to have a mother-daughter relationship with her or ask her the many questions I have." I finish "and it hurts." I croak as I feel tears fill my eyes. Honestly, I'm glad I'm saying this out loud because holding it in made it hurt worse and I couldn't talk to dad about it because I didn't want to talk to him at the moment. Mitchell gives my shoulder a squeeze.

"It'll be okay princess." Mitchell whispers.

"Will it though?.' I ask.

No one says anything as Luke pulls into the parking lot of a small building. There aren't a lot of cars by the looks of it, so hopefully the place isn't full; I didn't want anyone seeing me like this. I look at Luke confused, why are we here? I didn't want to be seen in public and they could of at least allowed me to get change since all I'm wearing is pjs.

"Why are we here?." I question.

Luke smiles "you'll see." He simply replies.

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