To talk to a Pegasus

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Same day
Somewhere in the USA

The moon shone brightly in the sky, giving the abandoned warehouse an eerier look. Inside, a revenge seeking witch sat plotting, planning. "Hmm," she groaned. She felt herself growing stronger by the minute, until her dark souless eyes glowed and she suddenly stood up. "Ah," she said in pleasure, "so she has finally discovered her powers. And Eulalie thought she could protect her." She stretched, to soothe her aching bones after sitting for such a long time. Then she chuckled darkly. "Aurianna my dear, I'm coming for you."

September 24
Willowbrook Academy

Lawrence's car pulled up in WA's parking lot and Danny ran out before he could wish her a good day. She met up with the vamps (she was calling them that now) at the front steps. "Figured out how to get Pegasus to take you to Medusa yet?" asked Vlad as they walked in. "Nope, but it will come to me. Eventually." said Danny. "And your dad-I mean Mr Swan?" asked Arian. Danny stopped. She still didn't know how to convince her father - or, as Arian put it, Mr Swan - to leave Willowbrook. She was barely able to convince him to let the white ombre thing go and narrowly escaped being grounded. The problem wasn't getting them to leave - seeing as the boys hated it there - it was getting them to leave without her. She considered telling him the truth, but she couldn't bother him with a secret that big-and dangerous. She shook her head, "I'll figure it out. First things first, let's deal with Pegasus, then I'll get him to leave." With that, they went to their first class.


Lunch break found Marceline, Thunder, Ivy, Danyall, Arian and Vlad crowding one of the cafeteria doors, spying on Pegasus. "This is ridiculous." said Ivy exasperatedly. "Can't we just walk up to them and talk to Pegasus directly?" "No, we cannot walk up to them and talk to Pegasus directly." hissed Marcie. "Why?" asked a confused Vlad. "Because-Ivy, get back here. Don't you dare walk up there...aaaannd she's gone." Marcie watched as Ivy went to the table where the gods were seating before she and the others joined her. "Sup horse head," said Ivy. Pegasus looked around him, confused, before pointing at himself and asked "Wait, you mean me?"

"Yeah, you. No other horse like creatures around now are there?"

Pegasus went red with embarrassment and Danny decided to cut in before Ivy pissed off the only link to her father. "Anyhoo," Marcie sent her a grateful look, "we need to speak to you Pegasus." She eyed the other gods and added, "Privately." Pegasus was dumbfounded. What did this female incarnate of his Uncle Hades want with him? As far as he knew, he hadn't upset her, so she probably didn't want to strangle him. She said she wanted to talk, but about what? He spied Jack sending him two thumbs up, but before he could answer, Artemis spoke for him.

"Whatever you have to say to Pegasus, you can say to us." Arian looked disbelievingly and crossed his arms, "Who are you, his mother?" "Walk away now you blood sucker. Pegasus isn't going anywhere." said Pegasus' step brother, Triton Poseidon. Ivy's eyes narrowed to slits but before she could say anything, Danny grabbed her and led them away. "Anyhoo, thanks for your time. Bye." Outside the cafeteria, Ivy hissed, her fangs drawn, "What's the deal, Westminster? I was about to teach Fish boy a lesson." "Fangs in, Winston," replied Danny calmly. "I had a better idea. Pegasus will obviously not listen to us with his cousins for a shadow. We'll wait until he's alone, or at least with just one of them, so we can easily corner them." This made sense to the others and Ivy visibly calmed and retracted her fangs. "As for Fish boy," said Danny with a mischievous smile, "watch." They all watched as Danny used magic to set Triton on fire and all his cousins attempts to stop it failed. They looked at Danny disbelievingly. "I found some spells in my mother's diary. This was one of her favorite, as only her, and well me, can control it. So I can turn it off," she snapped her fingers and the fire went out, "or on," she snapped them again and the fire came back, "whenever I want. Not even water can stop it." She grinned. They all burst out laughing and Danny couldn't help but think, she could get used to the sound of that.

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