Chapter 1

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   Mazikeen held up the her patron bottle as everyone else in the club screamed and cheered. It was her birthday, losing count of how many years she's been alive. A handsome gentlemen slid in a seat next to her catching the eyes of Maze.

" You must be the birthday girl." He flirted.

" Everyday is my birthday, sweetheart." She flirted back.

The young man chuckled as Mazikeen pulled gently on his beard.

" Why dont we get out of here?" He suggested. Although he was handsome, Maze wasnt up for it. He wasnt her cup of tea, but still she was conflicted.

" I'll let you know." She whispered. He walked away still looking at her as he did. She scoffed and rolled her eyes, taking the patron to the head.

" Wow, how do you do it?" Her best friend, Linda, asked.

" Not much at all." Maze mumbled. " Have you seen Chloe anywhere? She said she was coming." Maze asked, looking around for the Detective.

" She said she will be here." Linda pointed out.

" That was two hours ago. I hope she's not crying over, Lucifer." She said his name in pure disgust. Every since Lucifer returned back to hell after the whole ordeal with his demons running loose a few months ago, Chloe didn't even feel like being bothered. She didnt even want to go near the club. But, ask Maze, she had no choice. Maze was a jealous soul, and whatever she wants she was going to get.

" MAZE!" A high pitched voice sounded throughout the club, making Mazikeen smile. Eve, with her beautiful thick dark hair in a neat high bun, a burgundy leather dress that hugged her curves, and black pumps that made her a couple inches taller, had Mazikeen drolling. Eve, wore no makeup, only eyeliner, jist what Maze loved. Maze felt a nudge and snapped out of it.

  " You got a little-

Linda pointed to Maze's lip that held a bit of saliva and wiped it off with a napkin.

" Oh my God, happy birthday!" Eve ran into Maze's arms with glee.

" Thanks for coming Eve." Maze said.

" Shoot, I wouldn't miss it. You're my best friend." Eve spoke. Maze was kind of disappointed by the "Best Friend" comment, but she chose to put her feelings aside and enjoy the night.

" Nice dress Eve where'd you get it?" Linda asked.

" Oh, I dont know. Lucifer got it for me before he left." Maze almost choked on her drink, Lucifer?

" No, Eve. I bought you that dress. Remember?" Eve scruntched her eyebrows together.

" Noooo, It was on Lucifers bed when I first got it." Eve was so sure of herself. Maze threw her hands up deciding to let the situation go.

" Chloe stop it! You're here for Maze not Lucifer. Hey!" Chloe and Aimee appeared whilst moving through crowd to get to the girls. Aimee had a huge smile on her face whereas Chloe had a frown and puffy red eyes.

" Oh, come on." Maze said, staring at Chloe. " It's my birthday and your crying."

" Sorry." Chloe said in a small voice.

" For the record let's not talk about the man downstairs tonight. It's Maze's night." Aimee downed her shot and gave Chloe one. Chloe shrugged and downed hers, the girls cheered her on as she downed her 5th shot in 60 seconds.

" Where's Amenadiel?" Maze asked Linda

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