Chapter 8

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~A Month later~

  Chloe was trying her best to keep her head up and sip some hot tea. She was at her desk looking at an unfamiliar case she's been trying to solve for the last 2 weeks now. Without Lucifer on the case with her, it's became harder for her to catch the killer.

  She's been nauseous and feeling down gor the past month, off and on headaches and vomiting. " It's just the flu.." She would tell everyone. " Ill be ok." But today, she skipped out on breakfast, and she feels terrible today.

" Chloe?" Chloe looked up to see Chief Lanson standing over her with a concern look on her face.

" You dont look good at all." She pointed out.

" Just the flu." Chloe stated smiling.

" You've been saying that for some weeks now, I think its best if you go home for a few days and get some rest."

" But-

" No, detective. I mean it, go home. And if you need any more days to recover call me." Lanson handed Chloe an absent pass and she took it, grabbing some of her belongings and heading out the door.

  Chloe headed inside her home and could tell Maze was home, she throws knives right before she has to leave for work.

" Hey Chlo- woah!" Maze stopped right when she saw Chloe enter.

" Um, Chloe...

" Its the flu! I- why does everyone keep asking?" Chloe said, a bit upset.

" Im really worried now. Youre pale as hell Chlo. Go to a doctor." Maze demanded.

" Maybe later, I have to go pick up Trixie from school."

" I'll do it. Im going to be heading that way anyways. Eat something and rest."

Maze grabbed her main knives and put them in her bag. She left leaving Chloe alone.

" Great." Chloe mumbled. She hasnt seen or heard from Lucifer for a week straight, and she was missing the hell out of him. She didnt bother to call him though, pride was still eating at her.

Chloe laid in the bed sweating from the heat and drinking large amounts of water with no food on her stomach. She was afraid that if she ate something the food would just come up anyway. When she thought that she felt her stomach turn and churn and ran straight for the bathroom emptying out nothing but clear liquid. She groaned and began to run her a warm bath. She stripped from her skimpy gown and dipped her toes in until most of her body was submerged in the water.

Her eyes kept opening and closing, and she kept nodding off until she finally passed out.


  " Mommy."

Chloe slowly opened her eyes to see Trixie and Maze standing over her as Trixie cried.

" Chloe, you need to stay awake." Maze encouraged, everything they were saying was slow and fading. She couldnt understand anything that was going on, she just knew she was in freezing cold water at this point.

" Wha- what's up?" She slurred. Maze pulled Chloes naked body from the bathtub with ease and laid her on the bed.

" You're going to the hospital." Maze said.

" Is Mommy ok?" Trixie cried.

" Dont cry Trix, she's just sick thats all."

The trio piled themselves in the car, with Trixie in the front and Chloe laying on her side in the back seat. Maze cut a few stop lights and almost hit a few people until they finally made it to the emergency room.

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