Chapter 5

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  " Oh, well dont act surprised Amenadiel you had to know I was coming."

" No, I didnt. How did you eve- never mind." Amenadiel was still a little shook about Lucifers arrival.

" What made you leave hell so... Early?" Amen asked.

" Well, as boring as it is I still have to remain down there until those demons can act right by me."

" Hm, yeah." Amen chuckled.

" Amen, who's at- oh, hi Lucifer. Welcome back." Linda said, coming out in a silk robe and no undergarments.

" At least someone is giving me a PROPER greeting." Lucifer smirked, eyeing Linda's body. Making her uncomfortable. Amen turned to Linda.

" Um, why dont you take this and I'll be back in there." Amen watched as Linda went back into the room.

" Didnt know you and Dr. Martin were still getting it in."

" There's obviously something you want to tell me. And speaking on something that clearly has nothing to do with it isnt making this conversation go any faster." Amenadiel said, growing agitated.

" Dear old brother, just like Eve someone has escaped Heaven." Lucifer announced.

Amenadiels eyes arched together in confusion.

" How- who is it?"

" You know dad, with all of his follish mysterious he wouldnt tell me who the righteous soul was." Lucifer stated.

" Out of all people, he called you up?" Amen laughed.

" Don't laugh.... Cause youre one of his brightest Angels, right? Why didnt he just call you?" Amenadiel was slightly offended and cleared his throat.

" Why are you here telling me this?"

" Ugh, questions. You see, You are the only other celestial besides me, maze and the child here on earth, that person who has escaped heaven must be someone very significant and was sloppy enough to leave and have dad catch him."

" Im surprised noone noticed Eve was gone."

" She's still here? I thought she left?" Lucifer asked.

" Shes... She has to stay."

" Have you spoken to Chloe?" Lucifer asked.

" The same way you came to my place unannounced Im pretty sure Chloe wouldn't mind you popping up. She misses you Luci."

Lucifer had a slight smile on his face and began fixing his tux.

" Well, it was nice chatting with you brother, but I shall be off. I will leave you and Linda to your adult activities. See you in the morning." Lucifer said closing the door behind him.

Amenadiel went back into the room and sat down on the bed.

" Are you alright? What did he say?" Linda asked.

" Someone was bold enough again, to escape from Heaven. And I think I know who it is."


  Eve laughed as her and Daniel rolled around in bed. It was the middle of the day and she was enjoying her time with Daniel, almost forgetting about Lucifer and missed all of Mazikeens texts and calls.

" Mmmm, you're so sweet." Daniel flirted. Eve blushed.

" I can tell, you wouldnt come up for air all night." She joked. They both laughed, sharing a kiss afterwards.

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