Chapter 16

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~2 months Later~

  The process of Daniel, getting Trixie was unsuccessful. He was upset but decided to let it go after finding out it was becoming too much for his daughter. He had no proof that Trixie was in danger. The random knives Mazikeen stored around the house was no where insight when protective services came to check out the house. Dan and Eve was still together, but was more distant from everyone more then they were a couple of months ago.

Baby Charlie, was taking his first steps, and Mazikeen and Adam, was now in a relationship.

Chloe and Lucifer was in the waiting room waiting for a nurse to call them. This was Chloes last ultrasound before the twins were to be born, and Lucifers first time to see the twins on screen.

" Is the gel they put on your stomach cold?" Lucifer asked.

" Not all the time. Sometimes its warm." Chloe answered, rubbing her stomach. The nurse soon called them in and prepared Chloes stomach like last time for the ultrasound.

The nurse rolled the stick around until the image finally popped up.

  " Wow the babies looks very healthy. Have you been feeling any contractions?" She asked.

" Yeah, actually. I know they are suppose to come sooner then possible but...."

" There they are." Lucifer smiled widley and chucked as he saw his two babies moving around.

" Yeah, in about a week, you need to come in. They were suppose to be here much earlier but-- they passed the mark they were suppose to be here."

Chloe smiled but Lucifer was still watching his babies, he saw everytime he moved a finger across Chloes belly one of the babies will move its leg towards it.

" Luc wha-

" Look look look." Lucifer pointed out laughing as the baby was interacting with her dad.

" How are you doing that?" The nurse laughed. " Thats the girl doing that. She's gonna be a daddy's girl."

Chloe rolled her eyes as she watched to her right the baby boy moving just a little bit and yawned. She snickered.

The nurse printed out their ultrsound pictures.

" Come in 2 days before your due date. If you dont feel any difference in your contractions then we will have to induce you later and take you in for an emergency C section."

Chloe nodded as her and Lucifer walked out of the hospital.


Mazikeen wiped her mouth as she stood up from bending over the toilet.

" Sweetness the movies about to start!" Adam called out. Maze rinsed her mouth out and brushed her teeth and left the bathroom. She entered the living room and sat down next to Adam as if nothing ever happened.

" You ok, you been in there fo...

" Yeah, I'm good. What're we watching?" Mazikeen asked as she took a huge slice of pizza out the pizza box and bit it hungrily. Adam watched her in amazement as she devoured the entire box.

" What?" Maze asked. " A girl cant eat?"

" I never seen a girl eat like you before." Adam laughed. He took a slice and ate as the movie began to play. Only 40 minutes into the movie Adam, heard a light snore from his left side. Maze was sound asleep. He smiled as he looked at her, admiring her beauty. He rubbed his index finger along her naturally contoured face. Her skin was soft and alittle plump, he did notice she gained a couple of pounds. He lifted her up bridal style and walked her into their shared bedroom, stripping her clothing off so she will be more confortable.

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