Chapter 4

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    " That little bitch." Mazikeen grunted.

   " I guess she was serious about that baby thing huh?" Amenadiel smirked.

" It's not A, she sat up there and got a fucking boyfriend after two months of her dating him."

  Maze was furious. Eve has been ducking and dogging Maze, after Maze found out she got hired at the pizza place. Just yesterday Maze asked Eve out on another " Practice date" and Eve coupdnt let her down. At dinner Eve announced....

" I have a boyfriend." Maze was pissed and alittle taken aback. But again, Eve didnt know that Maze was feeling her.

" You could've told her a long time ago that you had feelings, you've waited too long and no you're upset." Amen added.

Maze slammed her fist on the bar table and glared at Amen.

" She doesnt know shit about the real world." Maze continued. " I'm suppose to be the one-

  Amen and Maze stopped talking as they saw the elevator door open.

  " Hey, Maze." Eve squealed. Maze didnt say anything, she just crossed her arms and looked at the man.

" So youre the boyfriend." She said, more than a statement rather than a question.

" Yeah, I'm Daniel." He spoke, a little uncomfortable with Maze's stare.

" I know who you are. Pizza boy." Maze snickered.
  " The Manager, really Eve?"

  " Well, we've been going strong for a while and thought... Why not." She laughed looking up at Daniel in admiraton.

  " Wait, Youre the Manager at Tony's Pizza right?" Amen asked.

  " Yeah." Daniel smiled.

" I love your pizza. The dough isnt too soggy, it has a nice crisp to it too." Amenadial complimented.

" Oh yeah, we have 5 dollar deals on Tuesdays."

" I have-

" ENOUGH." Maze yelled, causing everyone to jump.

" I- I have to go to Linda's. Charlie needa me." Maze said storming out of the club completely, leaving Amen, Eve, and Daniel with confused and baffled looks.

" So uh, does anyone want a drink?" Amen asked nervously.


  Maze wiped her eyes for the 50th time.

" I dont know why she doesnt see it. She's so damn oblivious to EVERYTHING. I dont even know what I should do next. Should I just tell her although it's too late?"

She blew her nose, making baby Charlie laugh. Maze smiled small and shook her head.

" Shoot what do you know? You're just a baby."

Maze picked up baby charlie from his bouncer and place him in his high chair for dinner. Linda came through the door with a wide smile on her face and frown immediately when she saw Maze who was feeding Charlie.

" Are you crying?" Linda asked.

  " No.... Yeah." Maze started back up her crying fit as Linda went to comfort her.

" She has a boyfriend, Linda." Maze cried. " And didnt even freaking tell me until last night."

Maze and Linda sat down. Linda got Maze to calm down while letting Charlie make a mess of his dinner.

" Why are you upset?" Linda asked. Maze scrunched up her nose.

" Cause she has a boyfriend." Maze said slowly, trying to get Linda to side with her.

" Maze, there's no way in the world you can keep your feelings for someone and then get upset that they have a significant other. Eve never knew you had feelings for her."

  " So why did she hide for 2 months?" Maze whined.

  " Believe it or not Maze, you are jealous. You didnt even want me and Amenadiel to be together, and you didnt even have feelings for him. Eve is your bestfriend, you like to control. You dont want her to put your feelings aside for no one else."

Maze stared at Linda for long seconds before folding her hands in her lap.

" I guess you are right." Maze admitted. " I hate when you do this." Maze laughed.

  " Hate it all you want. Im your sister and I have to tell you like it is.... Even if you can kill me." Linda laughed.

  " I love you Linda."

   " I love you too Maze." Linda said hugging Maze.

" Wuve woo."

Maze and Linda turned towards Charlie fast and began to laugh in shock.

" Isn't it abit early for him to be....

" I dont know, he is an angel baby after all." Linda smiled. Tears rolled down her face as she helled Charlie, who smiled with his two bottom teeth showing.

  " We have to tell Amenadiel-

  " Tell me what?" Amenadiel came through the door. Maze rolled her eyes and slumped on the couch.

  " Charlie said his first words." Linda said excitedly.

  Amenadiel smiled kissing his son on the head.

" He is an angel after all."

After Linda and Amen enjoyed family time, Amenadiel sat on the couch where Maze was.

" Still on your mind?" He asked.

" What do you think?" Maze scoffed.

" I think, its not too late. Who knows, she probably have the same feelings for you." Amenadiel pressed.

" Amen, youre one of God's brightest angels and not once have you judged Eve being.... You know."

" Why would I? I'm living amoung humans now. And I would never judge, my father doesnt so why should I?"

Maze smiled at Amen.

" Touche´"


"Mmmmm." Linda moaned.
" That feels amazing."

Amenadiel smiled as he massaged Lindas feet.

" Your 15 minutes of relaxation is finished." Amen smiled. Linda smiled back, getting up and kissing him.

" I love you Amenadiel." Linda comfessed.

  Amen smiled happily and kissed Linda again.

" Charlie's asleep." Linda mentioned.

" He is. What are implying Dr. Linda?" Amen flirted.

" Hm, dont know. Since you took care of me. Its time for the love Dr to give you a treatment." Linda kissed him again giving Amen a little tongue.

" I bought whipped cream." Linda mentioned, motioning towards the kitchen with her eyes. Amenadiel hurried off the bed sending Linda in a fit of giggles.

Amenadiel reached the kitchen, opening up the fridge and retrieving the whipped cream. He soon felt a presence behind him and looked back.

" I see things havent changed much brother."

Amenadiels eyes widen.

" Lucifer?"

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