Chapter 12

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  " Sorry I had to go, I had work at 9. I ordered you some brekfast. Im free later on today and tomorrow if you want to hang out some where 😊. Have a good day❤."~Eve

  Daniel smiled at the note and walked into the kitchen to eat his breakfast. Besides Charlotte, Eve was a great fuck. He never knew someone so shy and perky was that good. He was all smiles as he got ready for the day ahead. There was a knock on the door as he sipped his coffee. He looked through his peep hole and saw Chloe and Trixie. He opened the door letting them both in.

" Hey, Chloe?" Trixie skipped inside not bothering to greet her dad. Daniel starred at Chloe in confusion. Her face was much fuller, and she looked as if she gained a few pounds since last time.

" You look-

" Yeah, its the... Birth control. I've got the implant put in." Chloe lied. Something wasnt right. Daniel knew Chloe though, she hated when people wanted to know everything about her, so he didnt push the issue.

" On your way to work?" Dan asked.

" Yeah. Chief needs me on a crime scene. A 15 year old boy was slaughtered."

" Damn, another baby huh?" Daniel said sadly.

" You smell that?" Chloe sniffed.

" Smell what?"

" Perfume. You had a girl here?" Chloe asked. It was true he had company over, but the perfume smell was so faint he couldn't smell it. Eve didnt like wearing too much perfume.

" I really don't smell it." Dan confessed.

" Hm, must be in my head." She shrugged. " Monkey, mommies off to work I'll see you tonight ok?"

" Bye mommy." Trixie yelled from the other room. Daniel watched as Chloe left his home.

" Trixie, do you think your mom is acting... Strange?" Daniel asked.

" Shes gotten fat." Trixie shrugged sending Dan into fits of laughter.

" Thats not nice Monkey."

" Well it's true. Her stomachs gotten bigger as well."

" Really?"

" Yup. She stands in the mirror everyday before she has to take me to the school bus. She doesnt think I see her she will lift her shirt and sigh."

" She said it's birth control." Daniel assured Trixie.

" Dad, I think mommies having a baby and she's not telling anyone about it."

Daniel's heart skipped a beat.

" Yeah, I think so.."


  Maze rolled her eyes as she caught Adam, sleeping in Lucifers bed. She kicked the bed and all he did was stir a bit.

" Wake up!" She yelled and his eyes flew open.

" You need to get a grip on reality Adam. You need a job." Maze said sitting down next to him.

" Yeah whatever."

" Ever thought about working for Lux?"

" This place?" Adam said in disgust.

" Its a job."

" And it's sinful. I have no experience in bar tending."

" You can learn. I'll show you. Its really easy. You just cant keep crashing here."

" I dont know Mazikeen." Adam said laying his head back down.

" Yeah you do. Get dressed, I'll be downstairs."
  " This is ridiculous." Adam grunted. Shaking a fruity liquor inside a silver tin cup.

" You're doing fine, keep at it and you will get the hang of it. Its a Saturday, we're understaffed and we're going to be packed. I need you to get rid of the attitude and work!"

Adam rolled his eyes, and before he knew it he was getting better.

" Ill be paying you under the table. Checks suck to be honest."

" Work sucks. Why did Eve bite that apple?" Adam mumbled.

" And why did you follow? You would've been saved. Its too late to ask that now, get to shaking." Maze grabbed Adams behind and liquor spilled everywhere. It grew quiet in the lounge as Adam kept at it with drinks. He felt a presence and Amenadiel was standing behind him.

  " Fell out of God grace just to chase after someone that wasnt worth it." Amen laughed.

" Who are you to talk. One of the brightest ANGELS had a baby with a human. Whats your excuse?" Adam smirked.

" She was worth it." 

Adam scoffed and didnt look up from his task.

" When Eve decided to rebel against God it wasnt your job to chase her. Now you're going to be doomed just like her."

" Leave me alone, Amen. You're not perfect neither. Had sex with a demon, decided your fate when you made a decision to have a baby by a human, and youre judging me? Me?!?" Adam bent over in fits of laughter.

" Only God can do that and you know it." Adam said still laughing. " What was your point in coming here Amen."

" It maybe still a chance for you to go back home. The silver city."

" What if I dont want to go back."

" Father always said humans have a choice to make their own decisions."

" Then I'll stay. I've been down here for almost 5 months. I think I found my place in this world again."

" You just came down here to get Eve!"

Adam slammed the silver cups on the table making a bigger mess.


Amens eyed went wide. Adam was never this angry. Adam was hurt.

" Adam, you still have a chance with father. You neex to go back." Amen begged.

" I'll go back once you grow those damn wings of yours. And we both know thats never going to happen."

" Typical humans." Amen sneered.

" Amen, Im not going back. All this time I've been down here and Im just finding this out. I'm comfortable."

Amen nodded as he walked towards the door.

" You have a choice Adam. Dont make a stupid one."

And with that Amen was gone.

~Sorry this chapter was so short. It was kind of boring to write as well. But its going to get better as the story goes on😏~

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