Chapter 10

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  ~3 months later~

Just like any other day of her life Chloe made sure her daughter got dressed for school and on the bus before 7:30 before she had to go to work. Today was different. She did those things, yes, but once she got back into the cradle of her home she went into her room and stared at herself in the mirror like she did every day after she found out she was pregnant. She sighed as she lifted up her shirt and saw the little small bump forming.

" Oh god." Chloe mumbled. There was no way she could hide this pregnancy anymore. Her ex, Daniel was becoming really suspicious of her behavior. Chloe looked on the bed at her work clothes. She knew very soon she would have to take a leave from work or do some type of office work until the baby was born. She didnt want that. She was about action and she wanted to catch the criminals head on instead of behind the scenes. Chloe began to put on her clothes and her favorite black skinny jeans was pretty tight around the waist, making movement uncomfortable.

  She gained at least 10 pounds, and her slim frame wasnt there anymore. Chloe became frustrated and kicked off her jeans and began to cry.

  " Or.... You can tell him youre having his kid."

Chloe jumped up, seeing Maze leaning on her doorframe.

" Morning Maze." Chloe mumbled.

" I cant keep this secret forever. You need to tell Luci once he gets back from the underworld."

" He doesnt really like trixie. What makes you think he wants a kid?"

" He loves you, he'll manage."

Chloe looked at Maze.

" Yeah..."

" Instead of feeling sorry for yourself maybe you should just think about the greater outcome to this."

" I'll do that once you tell Eve how you feel about her."

It was complete utter silence after that bribe.

" Like I thought."

" This is a small crush I have for Eve. But you're having the Devil's child. He's going to find out some way."

" What about Dan?"

" What about him?" Maze shrugged.

" I- he hates Lucifers guts. If he finds out th-

" Who cares. You're worried about the wrong person. If he didnt want you with no one who should've stayed married to you."

Chloe didnt want to admit it, but Maze had a strong point. Maze sat next to Chloe and began to run her belly and Chloe moved away from her.

" You're getting fat." Maze laughed. " I hope its a boy. I love guys."

" Of course you do Maze." Chloe laughed.

" I really love Lucifer."

" Yeah."

" I think, when he gets back. I have to tell him."

Maze smiled at Chloe widely.

" Thats my girl."


Eve sat on the couch in the front room with her significant other, Daniel. They were watching romance movie, until Daniel got a text. He scooted alittle bit away from Eve so she wont see who he's texting.   Eve was growing very suspicious of Daniels behavior. He lied about going on a skii trip with his close friend Moses, only to find out Moses was in the Caribbean with his new wife. Last week he came home super late, drunk and smelled of cheap perfume. Eve was becoming impatient with Daniel's behavior.

  " Who's texting us?" Eve beamed a little.

  " Um, one of the guys. Said his car is stuck somewhere and he wants me to-

" Can I come?" Eve asked.

" Naw, it's late baby. And you have work in the a.m."

  " So do you." Eve said with an attitude.

" Yeah- I'll call you when I'm on my way back." Daniel said before he grabbed his car keys and wallet and left the residence.

  " Hm, ok." What Daniel didnt know was that with the help of Mazikeen she was able to install a tracking device on Daniel's phone. She dialed Mazes number.

" He's at it again."

Maze and Eve pulled up at a high star motel, right behind Daniel's car and his, friends car?

" Well that's his car. And his friends." Eve whispered.

" Why is his friend here? They're having a motel party?"

" Don't know. But my gut is telling me his friend isnt- let's go." Maze and eve strutted across the street and into the Motel.

" Hi, I was wondering if Daniel Keaton was at this Motel?" Eve ask nicely.

" We can't disclose that information ma'am." The woman behind the desk answered.

" But.. He's my boyfriend."

" Sorry, but rules are rules." The lady shrugged nonchalantly.

" Rules? Hm, lets bend those a little." Maze sneered, inching her very sharp blade at the womans neck. She gave them a duplicate of the original room key of Daniels room.

" 309, 309... 309!" Eve spoke. " You hear anything?" She asked Maze.

" They have sound proof walls. I cant hear thing." Maze grew a sneaky smirk on her face and she looked above her and both saw a vent big enough for a human to crawl through.

" Keep crawling, were almost there." Maze demanded quietly.

" We could've just... Knocked." Eve whispered.

" Yeah, be nice to a cheating scumbag thats not going to open the door. Im not kicking down anymore doors."

Maze reached light that was an exit to the room.

" I see them." She whispered.
Eve saw them too.

" What the hell?"

Daniel and his friend was both in their draws having a steaming makeout session. Maze seemed to enjoy it, but Eve was hurt.

" He's- gay." Eve chocked up. Without hesitation, Eve unscrewed the vent and fell 7 feet hitting the hard carpet floor beneath her. Maze followed and landed on her feet.

" What the fuck?" Both men yelled.

" Eve?" Daniel's eyes went wide.

" Thats my name. Why are you here with Nate? Thats your best friend."

" It's not what it looks like." Daniel tried to explain.

" Could've fooled us. We saw you damn near fucking him." Maze laughed. " Can I beat them now or later."

" No need. It's over."

" Eve, baby we can work this out." Daniel began to cry.

" No.... I- i have more important things to think about. Lets go Mazikeen." Eve said before reaching the door and stopping again.

" And congratulations, Im pregnant."


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