Chapter 2

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Chloe struggled a bit as she tried taking out the knife was stuck in her wall. She pulled it out, holding it up for Maze look.

" What? I'm preparing for work." Maze said, obviously not seeing the problem for the umpteenth time she's done it.

" Trixie lives here, ok. You can't keep..... Stop throwing goddamn knives in the house please!"

Maze was sort of taken back by Chloes outburst.

" Seems like your taking your anger out on me because of your lucifer-

" Please, dont say his name. Trixies been asking about him and I would have to lie-- it's too much right now."

  Maze sat down next to Chloe.

" I can always go down there and tell him you need him." She suggested. Then she remembered the condition down there, and the inhabitants that suffered down there. There was no peace.

" Never mind." She spoke lowly.

" Is he ever coming back? I mean... It's selfish of me to even want him here with me when he has entire underworld to dominate." Chloe cried.

" Chloe, Lucifer loves you. I just think it's not the time for him to come back. He needs to keep those demons in check or It'll be literal hell on earth."

That only made Chloe cry more. Maze tries to be empathetic, but that wasnt really her strong suit. How could it be, she's a demon? Child of Lilith to be exact.

" Hey mommy." Trixie spoke as she entered the house with all smiles.

" I got an A on my science project."

" God job kiddo, mommy and aunt Maze was just talking why do you go to your room for a minute and I'll make you a snack." With no hesitation, Trixie skipped to her room.

Chloe headed to the kitchen with Maze behind her.

" Do you think Lucifer is thinking about me?" She asked.

" I wouldnt doubt it. He wouldnt stop talking about you when he was here." Maze smiled.

" I feel so bad for Eve." Chloe sighed. " She came all this way, just to be with Lucifer and... It failed."

  " No one told her to do that Chloe. It sounds like you're blaming yourself for her mistake."

" You're right. Besides, I'm pretty sure she has someone, Amenadiel did say-

" He said what?" Maze cut off Chloe mid sentence.

" He didn't- oh my God. He told me he found Eve, some guy and another woman together at Lucifers place. He never told me why he was there but he said he couldnt get the image out his mind for a week straight." Chloe laughed.

" Yeah, about that...." Maze went on to say. " I... Was... Actually the other woman." Chloe almost choked on her spit.

" Wait... You?!"

" Shhhhh." Mazed shushed.

" Oh my goodness. I never thought you and the first woman would be getting it in." Chloe laughed still in shock.

" She's the only one I'm getting it in with." Maze confessed. It got quiet and Chloes eyes grew wide with amusement.

  " Do you have feelings for Eve?" She asked. Maze laughed loudly.

" Me? Please. I dont fall in love with no one do know who I am?"

" Bullshit. I can see it in your eyes. It all makes since now." Maze grew defeated and put up her hands slapping them to her sides.

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