Chapter 22

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   Linda handed Mazikeen some tissue. For about two days all Maze could do was cry, and think about how Adam didn't call nor come and see how she was doing. Was Eve really a threat to their relationship?

    " He will come back Maze." Linda assured Maze.

    " I doubt it, it's been two fucking days and he's not even given me a call back. Our wedding is in three months."

   Eve wasn't all that bad, for now. She was still hooking and having sex with guys for money, that was her only income and Maze wasnt going to stop her flow because Eve had to put down her share, for staying with her.
    It didn't matter how many times Maze will explain to Adam that Eve was only there temporary, he wasn't going to be there if she was there, and if Maze was smart, she would kick Eve out because she had no good intentions.

   " Maze you have to understand where your fiancee is coming from-

   " So you're on his side."

   " No one's side. But I know Adam means well. He knows Eves true intentions."

   " Doesn't he realise that I'm not in love with Eve? I can't be nice to her?"

   " Being nice can go a long way until she begins to manipulate you. What then? You're willing to through all of that away-

  " No! But..... Eve needs me I need to be there for her. I'm trying to make her stop hooking and go back to lux and work."

   Linda shook her head and looked to the side.

   " Eve seems as if shes chose her own path."

     Adam let warm water run down his face as he thought about home, Mazikeen and their unborn daughter. Eve started to blur his vision a bit and his memory was not focused on the first time he seen Eve when he awakened from his slumber. She was beautiful, and couldn't ask for nothing more. He didn't ask much from her, just to obey him and to never touch the tree of life. Sometimes he would pay attention to Eve's constant neglect from him. Sometimes she wouldn't listen, until that one dreadful day where Eve disobeyed the Lord, shunned them from the garden and ever since was only able to fend for themselves.

   They are back on Earth and she still doesn't listen. He started to feel bad for her because Lucifer has her head where it shouldn't be, but Adam couldn't do anything, not anymore. Adam stepped out of the shower, whipped himself off and made it to his bed. A presence was felt and he turned around to be met with Mazikeen.

  " Why can't you accept my wishes and just leave her alone?" Adam asked before Maze can say anything.

  " It doesn't have to be like this. You out of everyone should understand."

  " Im done understanding, I understood after she ate that apple knowing it wasn't her fault, I understood why she left heaven because she was bored. I always understood that woman."

   " Well understand where I'M coming from, Adam. She's still my friend. I still care about her."

   " I don't trust her Mazikeen. Not around you nor my baby. Consider yourself lucky I still want to marry you."

  Maze grew offended by that comment. Who does this man think he is? Some trophy? Maze shook it off and stared at her fiancee.

   " Come home."

  " Did you kick her out?"

  " No, Adam. You know I wouldn't do that."

  " Then I'm not coming home." Adam said calmly.

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