Chapter 20

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   Mazikeen daydreamed about the times where she was free, had random sex and was able to do her thing without a care in the world. Now, she was in bed, bloated with a six month pregnant belly. She had to take an early leave from her job so she can take better care of herself and the baby, and that was pissing her off. Already, the baby was active, and kicking as if scoring a goal on the soccer field.

  " When will this shit end!" Maze, sighed loudly. Adam laughed as he made his way out of the bathroom fully dressed.

  " How am I done before you, and I am pregnant?"

  " Gotta make sure I look good when we find out what we're having."

  " Are you sure it's that, or are you trying to look good for that bitch nurse that keeps giving you the eyes?"

   Adam laughed at Mazikeens assumptions. Mazikeen doesnt have self esteem issues not one bit, she's really confident in her form, but she knows when someone wants her man, and whilst pregnant she does have a problem kicking ass.

  " I don't want her."

" Yeah right." Mazikeen scoffed.

   Adam, sat next to Maze and grabbed her hand starring into her curious eyes.

   " Why would I want that woman, when I have a woman that athletic, smart, sexy by all means, a sex God and many more and you think I'm into that? You're all the woman I need."

  Maze blushed, trying to hide her red cheeks but failed.

   " Let's go before we miss our appointment." Maze laughed.

  " Have you seen Eve anywhere?" Adam asked concerned. Maze eyes farrowed and she shrugged.

   " I haven't heard from her in like two months maybe three. Now I'm u mention it... It's been a while. Reason why I haven't talked to her is because she tried to come on to me and I put her in her place."

   " What way was she coming to you-

  " Does it matter? We will talk about this after the appointment we only have 10 minutes."

     Adam pulled up to the hospital, he got out the car, walked to Mazikeens side and helped her out of the car. They were called in five minutes after their arrival and Mazikeen lye flat on her back on to the hospital bed.

   " I'll be back with the doctor and some more jelly." The nurse spoke politely leaving Adam and Maze alone.

  " Are you excited about knowing the gender?"

   " It doesn't really matter to me, but I hope it's a girl so you can stop talking my head off."

   " I want a baby girl, I want another replica of you."  Maze rolled her eyes. The thought her having a girl was making her head hurt, another mini her won't work out too well.

  " Hello Mazikeen. You're here again for another ultrasound."

   " Really to see what I'm having. See if it's a boy or girl."

  " Is this the father?" The doctor asked with a cheeky smile on his face.

   " Yes, this is my fiancee Adam."

   " Nice to meet you doc, is it possible that if you press your ear against the belly you can hear the baby?"

    The room went silent, and Maze face palmed herself. 'This man asks the dumbest questions' she thought to herself.

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