Chapter 21

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      Chloe's eye twitched with annoyance. She was stirring dinner and making bottles at the same time. Her oldest was gone to a sleep over while Lucifer was out again, Chloe was a full time mother now with a part time job. She couldn't keep her full time hours because of the twins and their constant needs, picking them up from daycare and trying to keep up with house hold chores. Exhaustion wasn't the word that Chloe was feeling, she didn't feel her self any more. Lucifer was always gone.

     Not only was Chloe dealing with her own issues, but her kids as well. Trixie not too long ago started her menstruation, has a boy that she really likes and every since Mazikeen gave her a phone for her birthday she had no time for her mother and baby siblings.  Then there were the twins, oh, Uriel, the youngest of Chloe's children but the most calm never gave her any issue except when he's hungry, but Aurora was a different story. She was spitting image of her dad and was only a few months old. 'Beautiful' was all that she was called because Aurora was Satan's spawn entirely.

     Right after Chloe handed her twins their bottles she sat on the couch and touch in a deep breath and blew it out, relaxed but that's until the door opened.

   " Mama's home." Chloe's eyes widened, she was so happy to see her mom but was confused.

   " Mom? Who sent you?" Chloe asked after hugging her mother.

   " Lucifer, of course. He said you needed help while he go handle business."

    " I haven't seen him in a few days, I don't know what he's doing." Chloe watched as her mom picked up Aurora and began kissing her plump rosey cheeks.

      Chloe hasn't seen her mom since the day the twins were born, and it was weird that she comes in as if everything is ok and like she haven't seen her kids in a long time.

   " Why do you go away for so long?"

   " Personal issues." Was all Chloe's mother could say.

   " You rarely, come to visit. You haven't seen the twins since they were smaller, and you come back as if you haven't missed a beat with them."

   The distressed look on her mom's face was evident.

    " I'm here now Chloe. I didn't think this would be an issue."

   " It's not, but stepping foot into my house as if everything is fine is NOT. I needed you. I'm doing everything on my own-

   " It's called being an adult Chloe!"

   " THIS?!? Me being left with three kids? One doesn't even see me anymore and I'm stuck with household chores days on end and have to take care of two infants on my own!? That's some way of being an adult."

   " I'm here to help you Chloe, and I'm sorry it took me so long to realize what's going on."

   Tears shedded from Chloe's striking grey eyes. She pierced her lips together and folded her arms.

   " I'm working part time now, Lucifer isn't home EVER, I don't get any breaks and..... Everything is going sooo wrong."

    Chloe cried and her mom quickly engulfed her into a hug. Chloe was at the point where she needed this. Still going through post-partem and not one time has Lucifer even brought up a proposal. It was as if nothing mattered, she couldn't have out with any of her friends and her oldest daughter was avoiding her. She wasnt gripping reality anymore, she was barely hanging on and her relationship with Lucifer was hanging on by a thread.

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