Chapter 24

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    Maze and Adam were back together, but they really haven't spoken to one another. They were still feeling guilty or regretful about sleeping with Eve, but they were slowing forgiving one another. It was six in the morning, Adam was gone to work while Maze slept in their bed. She kept twisting and turning in bed for two days straight, one time she thought she was going into labor but it was a false alarm. The pain she felt, felt as if she was being stabbed in the stomach and then it went away, Adam insisted on staying home to assure that she was ok or need hel to the hospital but Maze kept saying she was fine.

   She limped a little into the kitchen, and poured her a bowl of Lucky charms. As she was eating, pain was surging through her stomach. She was sure she was in labor but still decided to ignore it. There was a knock on her door and when she opened it she rolled her eyes, starring at Eve, who had the nerve to show up at her home after the bullshit she pulled almost two weeks ago.

  " I hope whatever you have to tell me, is worth it. I should kick your ass right now."

  " Mazikeen, I'm sorry." Eve apologized. Maze rolled her eyes and winced in pain.

  "Are you ok?"

   " Just come in." Maze said in an attitude, sitting back in her seat at the island.

  " What I did was uncalled for. I couldn't just see you get married knowing I have feelings for you."

  " Eve, it's over. What we had was just sex, you didn't even want me. Now that I've moved on you want to have a sob story about how you love me. Bullshit- AAHHH!" Maze screamed, this time the pain didn't let up, it didn't stop. They were full on contractions.

  " I think you need to go to the hospital." Eve panic, helping Maze before she fell over. Maze shook her head.

  " No, this, baby..... She's coming NOW. I've been in labor all morning!"

  Eve's eyes were wide as she tried to find a way to help Maze. Maze went into her master bed room and sat on the cold floor growling in pain as she gripped the bed sheets.

  " Eve... I need you to listen." Maze forced out. " You need to go into the linen closet in the hall way, and get as many towels as you can, make some hot water."

  Eve rush and did what Maze said to do. Once done getting everything, Maze instructed that she needed to sanitize her hands. She did, and came back to Maze who was in a pushing position.

  " Maybe I should call Adam-

" You think!'' Maze yelled. Eve grabbed the house phone and attempted to call Adam and Everytime it went to voice mail.

  " Ugh, he's not picking up. What now?" Eve yelled over Mazes constant screaming.

  " This is worse, then being tortured in heeelllll." Maze cried, comparing her labor pains something that wasn't even close to the torment in hell.

  " Maze, i-i pretty experienced in child born. I need you to lift your legs to your chest. You have to push your baby out."

  Maze screamed but did as she was told.

  " Oh my God I can see the head. She has a lot of hair."

  " FOCUS EVE." Maze was irritated by Eve's cooing. Eve put her hands where the baby was passing through, Maze was crying while Eve was smiling from ear to ear.

  Maze stopped to breath, but knew it wasn't over.

  " She's almost here Mazi. Push one more time." Eve had tears in her eyes and as the baby passed Maze slumped in a sigh of relief. Eve stuck her finger down the babies throat to clear her air way and the room was filled with tiny infants cries. Eve wrapped the baby in warm towels.

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