Chapter 11

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" You're pregnant?" Maze asked in shock.

" Wow, I literally jumped from a vent. You really believed me?" Eve said laughing.

" Thats nothing to laugh about." Maze said seriously as they sat in her car.

" I still have feelings for him, Maze."

" And that was a way to try and get him to feel bad for you?"

" Yeah, I saw it on tv." Eve beamed.

" What if he finds out you arent actually pregnant?"

" I'll tell him I missed carried after my fall."

Mazikeen laughed out loud.

" You have it all figured out dont you, Eve. Thats not how you go about things. Its dumb." Maze spat.

" Didnt know I was dumb to you." Eve said, sinking into to her seat.

" You sure as hell acting like one."

" Maze, I would appreciate it if you will stop insulting me."

" Well you need to hear it, Eve. You're so damn... NAIVE!"

" Maze, you are so twisted! First your my friend and then youre my enemy the next. What did I do to you for you to feel so grimy towards me and my actions."


Silence. You could hear a pen drop it was so quiet.

" Maze i-

" No Eve. You have to listen to me."

" That's all I've ever done. But why are you just not telling me this?" Eve cried.

" I hate rejection. We dont even talk like we use to anymore. I'm seriously falling for you Eve. I have NOBODY."

Tears threatened to fall from Mazikeens eyes. Eve stared in shock as she watched Maze watch her with teary orbs.

" Eve, please. I have noone. Linda is happy with a beautiful son, Chloe's pregnant-

" Chloes what?" Eve sat up straight in her seat.

" Nothing. It was nothing." Maze said quickly realising her slip up.

" No, Chloes pregnant. I know its Lucifers... Isnt it?" Eve growled. Just like Maze, Eve was jealous as well. And she still had feelings for both her ex's.

" Can we forget that I said that? Luci and Chloes relationship has nothing to do with this!"

" Shut up Maze! You're just so jealous and controlling of everyone. This whole time you wanted so bad for me not to be a around Daniel or Lucifer for your own selfish gain!"

Maze eyes grew. Eve was right and she was upset. Eve couldnt be fully happy because Maze was too invested in her.

" You're selfish Mazikeen."

" For trying to actually be there for you?!? Really Eve?"

" No, for sitting here and telling me you have feelings for me once everything unfolds." Eve unbunkled her seat belt and got out the car.

" Eve get back in the car!" Maze yelled after her.

" Call me when you get your shit together Maze. I'll walk this one out."


Daniel Espinoza yawned as he drove down a one way street just 6 blocks from his home. He was tired from all the paper work he had to feel out and again not seeing Chloe at work once again was making him worry. He wasnt in love with her, but he had a soft spot for her and he knew this job was her life. It wasnt like her to just take off. As he began to turn, he saw a woman sporting a red cotton turtle neck long sleeve shirt, dark blue jeans and black short heeled shoes. Her hair was hanging passed her shoulders and he couldn't make out her face.

" Heels aren't really comfortable for walking miss." Daniel spoke as he neared the woman with his car. She stopped walking and turned around with a sad look on his face.

" Hey, Detective."

" Eve? It's late what are- actually get in. Its not safe." Daniel offered as he unlocked the passangers side.

" Oh no- im almost at home."

" I know you're a grown woman, but it's really dangerous out here. A killer is on the loose and walking the streets this late isnt safe." He warned. Eve stood there biting her lip.

" Please? I would feel awful if something happened to you."

Eve smiled small and got in the car.

" Your eyes are red. Are you ok?"

" Well, I caught my boyfriend having a makeout session with one of his male friends, and Maze just confessed her love for me. So, I guess you can say Im doing ok." Eve choked up. She didnt want to bring up Chloe being pregnant. She knows Dan doesnt like Lucifer, and Chloe was carrying his baby. No way did Daniel wanted to hear that news so she kept quiet.

" I'm really sorry."

" Its cool."

" Well, I'm not doing anything tonight, just grab a pizza and watch some movies. Wanna join me?" Daniel ask sincerely.

" I dont have anything better to do. Yeah, I'll join you." Eve smiled, her spirit a little bit lifted. They went to a popular pizza place not too far from Daniel's place. They arrived back to Daniel's. Eve looked around, admiring his home.

" This is- really nice Dan." Eve said softly.

" Thank you." Daniel smiled as he set everything up. Eve kicked off her shoes and sat next to Daniel on the couch.

" I know you're an Apple-tini kind of girl, but all I have is wine." Daniel smirked.

" I love wine, especially red. What are we watching?"

" I was thinking a comedy, just to brighten up your mood."

" You pretty excited to have company." Eve giggled.

Daniel has had a crush on Eve for a while. He was always trying to get at Aimee, but that never worked. Aimee, didnt want to take it any further than a kiss. She didnt want to upset Chloe.

" Well, I'm always working and having so much on my mind that I dont really have alot of time." Daniel said with his mouth full.

" I know you still miss Charlotte. I'm really sorry."

Daniel didnt like when people brung up Charlotte. He started to reminisce.

" It's ok. I just dont like to think about it. I rather not, for the sake of my sanity."

" I understand. I dont understand why I- everythings been going to shit everysince I fell out of God's grace."

" You're religious?"

" Something like that. I was married too. My husband came back to get me after I left him and I refused."

" Why aren't you two together?" Daniel asked, sipping his second glass of wine while Eve was right behind him.

" We weren't seeing eye to eye. He wanted me to be this perfect wife for him. He never actually knew what I wanted. And now..... Im divorced and he wants me back."

" You'll find someone.

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