Chapter 9

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  " I dont know what the hell happened last night but... WHAT HAPPENED.?" Adam yelled. Maze looked at the man not phased at all.

" So You dont remember?" Maze asked, playing crazy.

" Dont start with me today Maze!" Adam raged.

" Fine! Ill tell you." Maze said softly.

She went on and on to say what happened last night from him crying over Eve, to him drinking a full bottle of wine, and then the rest of the night was them kissing and having sex. Adam looked as if he was going to throw up in his mouth.

  " Come on, it wasnt that bad." Maze smirked. She was becoming amused with Adam's behavior.

" You were complaining." Maze mumbled.

" I was drunk, Mazikeen!"

" I was too!"

" But youre a DEMON. It doesn't effect you as it does me!"

" What do you want me to do, Adam?" Maze asked putting on her clothes and fixing her hair. " It happened! I cant just go back on time and change what happened."

" Oh my God." Adam cried. " I've sinned." He blurted out.

" Youre over exaggerating, Adam. Have a damn drink, and- stop being so.... You." Maze spat. " You're on this earth whether you like it or not! I may have talked you into drinking but I saw the way you looked at me at that bar, the way your eyes lingered on my body before even became drunk! It takes two to tango."

Adams eyes grew wide.

" So why in the hell would you let me drink then?" Adam whispered.

" Because..... Im lonely. Eve- im in love with Eve as well as you are. And she doesnt know or care. And I believe she still has feelings for Lucifer as well. I dont want to tell her because it will mess up our friend ship." Maze choked up.

Adam stood still at the far left of the penthouse away from Maze as she began to cry.

" Lucifer has Chloe, Amenadiel has my best friend Linda, Eve has Danny, and me? I have no one! Not even my mother!" Maze was hysterical. She could contain her emotions anymore. She was hurting and only person there was Adam.

" Ill be heading out." She finally said after a long pause.


  " Woah!'' Linda exclaimed. " I thought getting pregnant by an Angel was...... Wow."

" Yup." Chloe and Mazikeen said in unison. The room went into an uncomfortable silence and all was heard was their breathing.

  " What should I tell him?"

" The truth." Linda reassured. " Lucifer needs to know that you are carrying his child."

Chloe breathed out.

" It's easier said then done, but- I dont know. Trixie is my only child.... I dont know how it'll make her dad feel. Dont know that I'm having a baby buy his enemy."

" Oh, yeah that's gonna be tough." Mazikeen chortles. It wasnt funny to Linda and Chloe but Mazikeen found it hilarious.

" Im glad you find this humorous Mazikeen." Chloe didnt hide her distasteful attitude.

" He's going to find out whether you tell him or not." Maze calmed down from her laughter.

I believe all this stress you have Chloe you need to let go. Because you have a baby in your belly, and that can effect him or her."

A door opened and close and the women looked to see who it was.

" Ummm- is this a bad time?" Amenadiel hesitated as he held baby Charlie in his arms.

" No." Chloe smiled. " I actually have something to tell you."

Amenadiel sat down next to Linda who took baby Charlie out of his arms.

" She's pregnant." Maze blurted out.

" MAZE!" Linda and Chloe spat.

" It was going to come out any damn way." Maze rolled her eyes.

" Wow, i- I didn't think you and Dan was still together."

They all cocked their head back, laughing at the fact that Amen thought she got pregnant by her ex.

" No its Lucifers baby, Amenadiel." Chloe went on to tell him.

" Woah!"

" Same thing I said." Linda empathized.

" I never thought that-

" You thought wrong. Because Lucifer is vulnerable when he's in contact with Chloe it was very high chance that they would have a child."

" Does Lucifer know?" Amen asked.

" He doesnt know. And I dont think I want to tell him at the moment." Chloe said.

" So I have to keep this secret to myself?" Amen asked.

" Yep." The women chimed.

" Thats not fair, what if it just comes out without me realizing it? This is a burden on my shoulders now. The devil is having a baby."

" Youre NOT telling him." Maze sent him a menacing look. " We're trusting you on this."

The room got silent again.

" Ok, I wont tell him. But you cant keep this a secret forever Chloe." Amenadiel said sternly before leaving the room.


Mazikeen was back at with Trixie resting on her lap and the tv blaring a scary movie on its screen. Mazikeen left the front door open so Eve can come in without Maze waking up Trixie to get the door. Eve and Maze hasnt been in each others good graces lately, and Maze missed the hell out of her. Maze still was in love with her.

" Hey Maze." Eve walked through the door alittle nervous to be in her friends presence.

  " Oh, hi." Maze sat up a little more to watch Eve come and sit next to her and Trixie.

" How you been doing?" Eve asked. Maze looked at Eve and saw that looked as if shes been crying.

" I'm doing ok, I guess." Whats the matter?" Maze asked a little alarmed by Eve's sudden crying.

" Daniel.... He...."

" What did he do?" Maze asked more focused and growing pissed.

" He's been acting very distant and I'm afraid he might end up not wanting me."

  " Never hurts to ask." Mazikeen spoke softly.

" Yeah, but- i dont want him to think I dont trust him. He's a good guy, really he is. I dont want anyone but him."

Mazikeens heart dropped a little. There was no way Maze was going to have Eve's heart. She was too stuck on that man to notice that she's in love with her.

" Enough about me." Eve wiped her eyes. " H-how's everything been going?"

Instantly, Maze thought about her encounter with Adam. She swallowed the lump in her throat and gave a tight lipped smile.

" Nothing, just- just work, dealing with that. Trying to stomach that Lucifers going to be a dad-

" What?" Eve interrupted Maze. " He's... Having a baby?" Eve asked sadly.

" Yeah, Chloe never told him so, dont tell him yet until she does."

Eve was disappointed. He really did love Chloe.

" I'm just gonna go home. I have work in the morning. I need rest." Eve said before she bolted out of the house with a confused Maze sitting there


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