Chapter 23

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   Adam came back home, eventually, and Eve left the apartment, but the affair between Mazikeen and Eve never stopped. The unbearable guilt was just eating Maze alive, but she just couldn't stop. Eve was now her addiction, and she couldn't say no anymore. The only thing Maze was receiving, was amazing head from Eve. Eve never asked for anything else but to taste Maze every so often. A couple of days shy of Adam and Mazikeens wedding and two weeks away from Mazikeen going into labor, she was happy... But whenever, Eve popped up for random visits the guilt came up all over again.

   Mazikeen felt so disgusted with herself for cheating on Adam, that she would feel sick and throw up everything she ate. She still didn't have the guts to tell Adam, because she wanted to still be with him and they were going to have a baby together. Mazikeen pushed all the negativity out of her mind as the manicurist was finished with her nails. Maze smiled at the finished product.

  " Adam is going to eat you alive." Linda said flirtatiously as Maze laughed.

  " I got a thing or two up my sleeve once the babies born and we go on our honeymoon." Maze winked at her friend.

  " Think about heeling first."

  " We decided to have the honeymoon three months after the baby is born. We're going to Paris."

  " The city of love? Man that man really loves you. I wish me and Amenadial can hang out alone and be in each other's arms all day. But, Baby Charlie is transitioning, and growing through a phase, I have clients and Amenadial is doing construction work downtown full time. So we have our hands full."

  " Me and Adam have our hands full as well-

  " Is that a hickey?" Maze quickly covered her hand over the mark with a stunned look.

  " That's weird, you never cover up any signs that you had sex." Linda laughed " I'm guessing you too made up?"

  Maze knew the mark did not come from Adam, but Eve. Eve was known to leave her mark on those she seduced, and when Adam came back around she would have to hide the damned things with some somewhat perminent makeup to hide them. Right know the truth wasn't good for her, because she was going to get married but she had to tell her best friend what's been really going on.

  " It looks like you have something to tell me." Linda looked as if she knew something but couldnt put her finger on it.

   " I cheated on Adam, with Eve."

Linda's face twisted up in a grimse not a regular shocked look. It was obviously clear that Linda despised that woman, and kind of knew what was going on due to the constant visits after Eve was kicked out.

" You're stupid, Maze. Have a great man and you ruin it by having sex with that woman."

  " I feel so bad about it. I love Adam so much but..... I can't tell him. I want our daughter to have both of her parents in her life."

  They finally pulled up to Linda's house to finish up everything for the wedding. The wedding was going to be held at Linda's and Amenadial's place. A small wedding for immediate friends and family. Chloe was already there assisting workers where everything would be place.

  " You have to tell him."

  " I'm not telling him."

  " If you don't this will all blow up in your face when you least expect it. Do it so it can save you from-

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