Chapter 13

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   Chloe was out of the tub and in her night wear. She dried her long golden hair with a dry towel and stepped out her room in some fuzzy slippers. It was 9:10pm and Trixie was already in bed and sound asleep. Chloe smiled at her daughter. Trixie will soon be 13 in a matter of months, and Chloe was just bracing herself for her daughters future. She sighed and closed the door softly before heading back to her room. Once again, she stood in the mirror and lifted her shirt. She was almost 4 months pregnant, and her stomach was a bit bigger than normal.

" There's no way I can hide this from him." She whispered.

" Hide what?"

Chloe jumped so hard at the voice of Lucifer. He was a bit out of breath and was fixing his tie.

" How did yo-

" Why is everyone still so surprised about me popping up? Im the Devil for Pete's sake." He said, a little annoyed.

" So, uh... H-how's things going with uh.... The soul searching?"

" Everyones back to where they should be until dad makes his final judgement on them for leaving Heaven. But... Is there something you need to tell me Chlo?"

Lucifer wasnt going to let this subject go. He saw and heard what she just did, now its time for her to come clean. But she was scared of his reaction.

" I dont know how I will tell you or IF I should tell you." Chloe whimpered.

" Stop hiding from me Chloe. I never hide things from you, so you must tell me."

" I dont know." Chloe cried. She wiped her eyes as Luci stood there. He just stood there... Did comfort her, just stood there.

" See! You dont care."

  " What are you talking about?"

" You dont even confort me?" Chloe cried. Now Lucifer was really baffled. He didnt know why Chloe was acting so strange.

" Calm down-

" Dont tell me what the hell to do!!!" Chloe screamed. Lucifer couldnt even get mad. He was trying to figure the woman.

" Is it the time of the month?"

" No." Chloe sighed.

" Hungry?"

" I already ate."

" Stressed?"

" Maybe.... Then no."

" Well it's one thing I can only think of-

Lucifers face soon frowned up. Chloe grew scared at his sudden change of mood.

" Luci-

" Stand up."

" No im no-

" STAND. UP." He didnt yell, but his calm demeanor made Chloe stand to her toes.

" Lift up your shirt."

Chloe was hesitant but did it anyway. Lucifer stared at the tiny bulge that was now visible but still small.

" You're pregnant?"

Tears fell from her eyes.

" I didnt know how to tell you. I was going to wait until you came back and I didnt think it was going to be this soon."

  Lucifer just stared at her belly and moved closer to it. He pulled back after he touched it.

" It's ok Lucifer. You can touch me." Chloe quivered.

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